"We met three practitioners in the Demon Realm, which happened to be one more." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Guan Zishan was a little puzzled, "You guys are here? I haven't heard the action."

"Girl Baili is really too powerful. She didn't do anything at all, but she just solved the three of them by poisoning." Zong Qian admired her face with admiration.

Obediently, Guan Zishan and Cui Bohong glanced at each other, and their hearts also had a deeper understanding of Bailihongzhuang's healing technique.

Earlier, the medical skills of listening to Mr. Zhou's and Mr. Jian's mentioning Bailihongzhuang's medicine were very exquisite. They had never really seen it.

From this point on, they can judge it now.

"Hong Zhuang, you are very poisonous!" Cui Bohong admired his face, "How many cultivators can this mesmerize?"

"Below eight products."

Baili Hongzhuang took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Cui Bohong, "If you encounter an inconvenient shot in the demon domain, it may be useful."

Cui Bohong looked at the poison in front of him, his eyes filled with hesitation.

Of course, he knows that this is an excellent thing. If he can take it with him, he may use it when he enters the demon realm.

However, carefully speaking, they should be elders.

So far, he has n’t given Baili Hongzhuang anything, and he has not been able to help him. Instead, he has asked Baili Hongzhuang to help them again and again, and he feels really embarrassed.

Baili Hongzhuang did not think so much at all, and handed the porcelain bottle directly to Cui Bohong's hands.

"After entering the demon domain, this situation is not good, and there may be risks at any time, in case it is always necessary."

Bailihongzhuang smiled, "Moreover, this thing is not valuable, and it is not troublesome to configure."

After seeing this scene, Guan Zishan also understood the situation of the two, and she could not help saying, "Thank you for your red makeup."

"you are welcome."

The four did not talk much, it was the most important to enter the city of the demon domain earlier.

Baili Hongzhuang and Zong Qian took the lead to walk towards the gate of the demon domain, and Guan Zishan was planning to be a little later.

After all, if they went in separately, it would only expose the two, but if they go in together, once they are found, it means that all four are hopeless.

As Baili Hongzhuang slowly approached the city wall, she also saw the situation nearby.

Growing up there are cultivators being guarded, but fortunately there are people who enter the city, but not many.

Baili Hongzhuang and Zong Qian took the identity jade card in their hands, and slowly came to the city gate.

The other party noticed the two, but they didn't take it too seriously.

"Jade identity card."

Baili Hongzhuang raised his hand and raised the shining jade card in his hand. The other party nodded after seeing the jade card.

"go in."

Baili Hongzhuang was relieved, and the heart that had been hanging immediately was let go. This check on entering the city is not very strict, as long as you see the identity token.

Zong Qian followed behind Baili Hongzhuang and walked quickly, they can finally enter the city!

However, just before Zong passed, the gate guard of the demon domain suddenly said: "Wait."

The footsteps of Baili Hongzhuang and Zong Qian stopped immediately, and looked at each other calmly, without showing any slight panic.

"Doesn't your clothes fit well?"

The man looked at Zong Qian with a hint of hesitation under his eyes.

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