Baili Hongzhuang nodded, and now they can only try this way.

After all, whether they want to change clothes or buy medicines, they must use them.

The most frustrating thing is that although three practitioners have been solved before, these guys seem to agree that they will bring nothing on them.

In addition to the identity jade brand, it is the most basic elixir for healing and restoring strength, and the number is not large.

From this point, it can be seen that there are not many practitioners going to the monster field at present, mainly monsters and monster plants as the forwards, and human race practitioners are more just to detect the situation.

As the two walked into the clothing store and looked at the clothes in the store, Baili's red makeup lips rose slightly, which is indeed similar to the style of the Devil Realm, but not as delicate as the clothes she saw in the Demon Realm.

The shopkeeper's eyes lighted up immediately when he saw Mu Yunqing. Such a big beauty is really rare to see.

Anyone who sees it can't help but admire it from the heart, just looking at it will be pleasing to the eye!

"Girl, want to buy clothes?"

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and looked at Zong Qian beside him, and said, "He wants to buy."

Obediently, the shopkeeper then turned his attention to Zong Qian, "just look around."

Feeling that the shopkeeper has reduced his enthusiasm obviously, Zong Qian's eyes suddenly felt a touch of faintness, and he shook his head helplessly, "Look at the gap ..."

"Hurry up and find a suitable shirt." Baili Hongzhuang smiled.

Zong Qian nodded. The clothes on his body were indeed smaller and uncomfortable to wear.

When choosing clothes in Zong Qian, Baili Hongzhuang had communicated with the shopkeeper.

"Treasurer, we have run out of spirit stones, but we have obtained such stones on the battlefield. I wonder if we can buy them?"

Baili Hongzhuang took out a spirit stone and asked.

After paying attention to the spirit stone in Baili Hongzhuang's hand, the shopkeeper did not immediately answer this question, but asked: "Are you new to Thorns City?"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded, "Exactly."

With this affirmative answer, the smile on the shopkeeper's face also deepened a bit.

"There are more and more young practitioners who come to the city of Thorns recently. Once the war begins, the situation in Thorns City will be fierce!"

Baili Hongzhuang's heart hung quietly for a few minutes, she had no knowledge of the city of the demon domain.

"I didn't know much about the situation here when I first arrived. I hope the shopkeeper can tell me more."

"I understand that the practitioners who just arrived didn't understand the situation in Thorns City very much. After all, all the monsters and monsters that had been on the battlefield before were rare.

Although the guys in Xianyu are not very good, they can still find a lot of cultivation resources on the battlefield, and they can try it out with interest. "

Bailihongzhuang nodded lightly, "I got my luck with these too."

"This is the first time you've been on the battlefield?" The shopkeeper asked.


The light in the eyes of the shopkeeper was a little bit brighter. "Since you don't know the situation well, let me introduce it to you."

"Thank you shopkeeper."

"The people in Xianyu are not the same as ours, so their spirits will have a great effect on us.

The spirit stone in your hand is five to one for our demon domain. "

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