"Five to one?"

Baili Hongzhuang's face was surprised, but she did not expect that it would be such an exchange rate.

The shopkeeper looked at Bailihongzhuang's changing face, and said, "I didn't lie to you, because this spirit stone does not have a great effect on us, so some stores simply do not accept redemption."

At this time, Zong Qian also put on a shirt and came over, "Just this one."

Bailihongzhuang took a look at Zongqian's clothes and changed into a suitable one. The whole person also looked more like a monster.

However, when Zong Qian heard that the conversion ratio turned out to be five to one, his eyes suddenly became unbelievable.

"Five to one? Isn't this obviously a pitman?"

Although the spirit stones in the fairy realm are different from those in the monster realm, not all practitioners in the monster realm are dark.

This spiritual stone will undoubtedly have the same effect for practitioners of other attributes.

The exchange ratio is different. He believes this, but five to one is really an exaggeration.

"I know." Bailihongzhuang looked calmly, "Let him pit, only if he feels profitable, we can better inform the news."

The other party obviously felt that they had just arrived and had no knowledge of the situation here before trying to take advantage of them.

It is because of this original intention that it is easier for them to get a message.

Obediently, Zong Qian understood her deep meaning.

As she said, this shopkeeper really talked a lot, because most of them are common words, even if some of them are not known, but the whole scene is connected, this situation can still understand a few Points.

"I promise you only because of your beauty, what do you think?"

The shopkeeper whispered to see Zong Qian and Baili Hongzhuang whispering, can not help but worry.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, "Thank you, shopkeeper."

Looking at the spirit stone handed over by Baili Hongzhuang, the smile on the shopkeeper's face deepened a bit.

"The girl is really fascinating, you believe me, it's right!" The shopkeeper accepted the spirit stone with a grin, and his face was not red and heartbeat. "There is no other shop nearby that has more conscience than me."

Zong Qian couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This guy is really despicable and shameless. This is just a fool to see them!

"Treasurer, we are planning to stay in Thorns City recently and want to find a place to stay. I wonder if you can help?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

"Girl, if you ask me this question, I'll ask the right person!" The smile on the shopkeeper's face was even stronger. "Coincidentally, I have a yard to rent out. Do you have any ideas?"

"That's great!" Baili Hongzhuang said.

"I don't know how many spirit stones are needed?" Zong Qian asked.

This guy obviously regards them as the head of injustice, and the price is probably very high.

"One thousand spirits!" Said the shopkeeper, raising a finger.

Zong Qian thought for a moment, then listened to the shopkeeper and said, "Using the spirit stone of immortal, that is one month of 50,000 spirit stones, how?"

Zong Qian: "..." Why don't you grab it?

I have seen a lion with a big opening, but I have n’t seen such a lion with a big opening. It ’s too easy to make a spiritual stone, right?

Baili Hongzhuang never took it seriously, she noticed the cultivation of this shopkeeper, Wupinjing.

With their strength, it is undoubtedly simple to want to start the shopkeeper.

Finding a place to stay is indeed what they need most now.

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