As soon as he thought that so many spirit stones were gone because of Rong Hong, Pan Gu couldn't help getting angry.

He didn't believe that Rong Hong would be so generous. He must have seen that the two young people didn't understand anything and were deceived. They should be taken away from him first.

Come to think of it, by now these two young people should have benefited a lot.

"This Ronghong pretends to be a prideful appearance on weekdays, but it is actually the most despicable!" Pan Gu secretly cried.

In these years of Thorns City, his friendship with Rong Hong was not good. This guy seems to be watching him unhappy and often breaks through his tactics, which makes him earn less spiritual stones.

That's all on weekdays. There aren't many hangs anyway, but this time the two people are completely different.

These two people are absolutely deceived because they have a lot of cultivation resources at their disposal, 500,000 spirit stones, originally these should belong to him!

The jealousy in Pan Gu's eyes grew stronger and stronger. This guy really did not endure what he did badly!

He must find a way to teach this bastard!

Baili Hongzhuang, who was talking, didn't notice the figure in the crowd. Pan Gu left after just a quiet look.

His strength is not as good as Rong Hong, and he is not an opponent at all.

If not, he had already learned this opportunity.

But he couldn't swallow the breath, he had to get the bad breath!


City main house.

"What are you talking about?" Zhu An looked at Pan Gu with an interest and asked.

Pan Gu saluted respectfully and said charmingly: "Master Zhu An, I dare not lie to you even if I eat a bear heart and a leopard!

That girl is really beautiful, and I can be considered to be very knowledgeable in this commoner, but for so many years, I have never seen any girl be so beautiful. "

Pan Gu showed an obsessed look, "That's exactly Tianxian!"

The expectations in Zhu An's eyes are getting stronger and stronger, "Do you really have such a beautiful woman?"

"Master Zhu An, as long as you look at it with your own eyes, you will know that I am absolutely telling the truth."

Pan Guxin vowed to promise, but the next moment he frowned again, and his expression became worried.

"It's just that Rong Hong, who guards the gate, seems to care about this girl.

Previously, the girl had originally planned to rent an apartment with me, but Rong Hong lowered the price and let her live with him.

This is that the girl was not deeply involved in the world and did not see the situation clearly. At a glance, I knew that Rong Hong was absolutely moved. "

Obediently, Zhu An's face could not help changing, "Nong Ronghong already succeeded?"

"It shouldn't have happened yet," Pan Gudao said, "if it's going to be late at night, this situation may be uncertain."

"Master Zhu'an, I promise you will like this girl when you meet it. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to meet it in the future."

Pan Gu's eyes filled with vicious light. He was indeed not Rong Hong's opponent, but as soon as Master Zhu An went, Rong Hong had nothing but a hand to grab!

Master Zhu An, the son of the owner of the city, was obsessed with women, which is well known in the entire city of Thorns.

The reason he was able to open a store in the City of Thorns was because he had offered Zhu An a beauty.

With the care of the city owner's son, he naturally opened a store much easier.

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