"What about dog fighting?" Pan Gu sneered. "You pretend to be high, and it's not in my hands yet!"


Pan Gu kicked over again, obviously not planning to let Rong Hong die so easily.

"Yes, don't you think I don't know why you stay in Thorns City?"

The smile on Pan Gu's face was ridiculed and ridiculed, "If I didn't guess wrong, the girl who liked to wear a green dress at first should be your sweetheart, right?"

Rong Hong, who had always been kicked by Pan Gu, was expressionless. Until he heard this, his face suddenly changed.

"what did you say?"

"I remember her." Pan Gu smiled proudly. "When she came to my store to buy dresses, the choice was so clear that she wanted to wear it to her sweetheart.

I just asked her a few words, and she told me the situation, saying that her sweetheart would also come to Thorns City in two days. "

"Speaking of which, the girl looks really good. Coincidentally, those in Zhu'an's mansion are already tired, so I sent the beauty over.

The funny thing is ... she was wearing the dress she wanted to show you that day. "

Pan Gu smiled and looked at Rong Hong slumped.

"Unfortunately, you haven't seen it for a while, and she's dead."

"You bastard!"

Rong Hong's face was flushed with red muscles on his forehead, and Pan Gu stared at him with a crackling look.

"I am going to kill you!"

He rushed towards Rong Hong frantically, but the characteristic chain was holding him. Pan Gu just backed away a few distances, and he couldn't reach it.

"Look at your useless waste, do you think you can get revenge for her by staying in Thorns? It's ridiculous!"

"Do you know that you are like a dog in my eyes and you think you can bite, this rope can always be tied."

Listening to Pan Gu's ridicule, Rong Hong's face turned red, and he frantically wanted to break free of this rope.

The wall behind him began to tremble, and the rope seemed to be about to break free. Pan Gu's face could not help but change.

This guy is crazy!

He even broke the rope!

Zong Qian listened to the conversation between the two. Although he could hear the clouds and fog, through Rong Hong's completely crazy look, he guessed that this matter should be related to the girl Rong Hong liked.

"Pangu is really doing all the bad things!"

Zong Qian's eyes were filled with disgust, and he used to think that this guy was not a good thing. Now it seems that he is thinking too simple.

This guy is far more than he thought.

Pan Gu also realized that this guy is really going crazy, and it is likely that he really broke free. His strength is not his opponent, and he could not help shouting, "Come on!"

Zhu An didn't leave immediately after he came. If he just left for a trip, it would be too doubtful.

After all, if it only requires human life, then it can be solved directly from the outside. Where else do you need to catch it?

As he heard Pan Gu's voice, he frowned.

Rong Hong has been controlled by them. Couldn't Pan Gu even solve this?

When Zhu An walked in to see Rong Hong, who looked like a beast, his eyes were filled with wonder. The appearance of this guy's madness was indeed a bit scary.

"What irritated this guy?" Zhu An asked.

"Son Zhu An, this guy was uneasy at first, but fortunately I found it!"

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