"These guys are too funny, aren't there any people who want to get started and plan to just let us pass by?"

Xiao Hei was surprised, thinking that it was time to get here, but he didn't expect the situation to be completely different from what he thought.

In fact, the mood of these guards in the city's main house is also very complicated.

When they saw Baili Hongzhuang in Ronghong's residence before, they felt that as long as the girl came to the city's mansion, it would never be the same as the previous girl.

After all, this girl looks so good.

In the past, there were not so many girls who could compare with the people in front of them. Even if there was Ran La, the face of such a beauty, Zhu Anxiong would not be ruthless.

If such a beautician can succeed, it is simply not human.

Therefore, even if Bailihongzhuang appeared too fast, they caused some doubts, but think about it, maybe Zhu Angong will be completely fascinated when he sees Bailihongzhuang. possible.

Seeing that these guys had no intention to stop herself, and Bailihongzhuang didn't delay, without these resistances, she could enter the house faster.

After seeing Pan Gu and Zhu An's merciless beating, Zong Qian can no longer stand by.

If this continues, maybe Rong Hong's life will be explained directly here.

He could do it directly, but as a result, the original plan was undoubtedly exposed.

The news here may soon attract other people. At that time, they may not be able to find Ranla at all, and they have to leave the main city first.

As a result, the next time they want to sneak into the city's mansion, the difficulty will be even greater.

Even so, he chose to do it.

He couldn't just watch Rong Hong go wrong.

However, the moment before Zong Qian started, a beautiful figure appeared in the house.

At a glance, Baili Hongzhuang noticed the tragic situation of the two being beaten, especially when he noticed Rong Hong's fuzzy face, and the killing intention in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Similarly, she also noticed that Rong Hong at this moment was completely different from what they had known before. He seemed to be in a kind of crazy rage. The violent state seemed to want to smash the two in front of him. !!

Zhu An couldn't help but stunned after seeing Baili Hongzhuang, "Why are you here? Did Ranla find you?"

From beginning to end, he never considered that this beauty might break free of the bond himself.

Except for being discovered by Ranla, who brought her here deliberately, she really couldn't think of the second possibility.

Zhu An's face suddenly became difficult to look, and he looked out of the door subconsciously, thinking about how to explain it all.

"Ran did find me," Baili Hongzhuang said.

Zhu An looked at Baili Hongzhuang in doubt without any figure, and wondered, "Where is Ran?"

"In Yin Cao Difu!"

The moment the words fell, Baili Hongzhuang's fist had already hit Zhu An's face!


The strength was completely beyond Zhu An's expectations. He just felt as if he had been hit directly by the mountains. The terrible power just wanted his life!

Pan Gu looked at Bailihongzhuang erratically, even though Zhu An's son is not very strong, but as the son of the city owner, the strength is at least not bad.

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