I often walk by the river without wet shoes, this time I really planted it!

"It was only after we left here that we had to be embarrassed. Even if the three guys are very strong, it should be impossible to leave in such a short time."

The old man carefully analyzed that even if the other party was extremely fast, in such a short period of time, no matter which direction he left from, he should still be in the main city.

Upon hearing this, the city owner blinked his eyes and said, "Search me! Be sure to catch those three guys!"

"One of them is the gate guard-Rong Hong."

The man on the side described the whole story carefully. Everyone knows that this situation is Zhu An's self-reliance, but since the people who dare to move the city's main government will certainly make them all pay the price!

"It's a good gate guard who can know such a master. It seems to be hidden!"

The city owner grinned, and the coolness in his eyes grew stronger.

The opponent's strength is so strong, obviously, as long as he doesn't want to come in, he cannot be arrested at all.

This makes the situation obvious.

Zhu An thought he was in the next round, actually he fell into this pit without knowing it, and even thought he was cheap.

Just then, another panic figure hurried over.

"Master City Lord is not good."

The city owner frowned, "What happened?"

"Girl Ran is gone!"

"Ran La is also gone?" The town owner gave a look of expression, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

The woman nodded again and again. "The girl Zillah said earlier that I shouldn't follow, she went to deal with something, and I never saw her again.

Just now I heard that there was something wrong with the young master, I thought about telling Ran La, I never thought that Ran La was gone, and I didn't see her after I searched. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face changed, and today's Ranla's status in the city's capital is not simple.

The Thorns will soon launch a full-scale attack, and that poison will have a very important effect on the overall battle situation.

If Thorns City can get excellent results in this matchup, his status in the demon realm can also be improved, and there will be a better future in the future.

If not, he would not be anxious to get the two married.

Only in this way can Ran Ra be thoroughly recruited.

I didn't expect this to happen today, but it disrupted all his plans.

"Did anyone see Ran La?" The city owner asked in a loud voice as he looked at the people coming around.

Everyone shook their heads, they did not see each other.

"That's weird. Shouldn't the three men take Ran with them when they leave?"

These three people are not difficult to just leave here. If you bring another person, the difficulty will undoubtedly be even greater.

If they were taken away with the hostages, they would not be hiding here.

"Did ... already dead?"

When this idea surfaced, the face of the city owner suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Search me! Even if you search the entire city's mansion, you will find these three guys!"

The master of the city had a blue complexion, and the roaring appearance was terrible, and the murderous spirit almost condensed into substance, so that everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started to move and began to search in the house.

The city owner did not leave in a hurry, but walked into the treasure house.

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