Baili Hongzhuang nodded with a smile, "Well."

After getting this answer, Han Chenyang quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as this kind of strength is not targeted by the strong man on the upper 30th floor, there will be no problem with the tower on this day."

As long as there is strength, all troubles are no longer trouble.

"Han Gongzi, did you come to Lizhou from other cities?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

After getting along with each other, Han Chenyang has shown her enough goodwill. Without any accident, the two can be friends.

Han Chenyang smiled and shook his head. "That's not true. I was originally from the main city of Zhouli."

Obediently, Baili Hongzhuang was not surprised, and Shu Qi had previously told her that there were also many local people in the Sky Tower, and for the sake of experience, there were not many people who stayed here to strengthen herself.

And there are various top powerhouses on the upper 30th floor, and some of the forces are very difficult to see them on weekdays.

In this way, only by becoming a part of the Tower of Heaven can we have more opportunities to associate with these people.

"So, is Han Gongzi in the middle of power?"

"Good." Han Chenyang nodded, and then chuckled: "Do you know why I am responsible for entertaining the newcomer?"

"It's not easy to be able to stay at the top of this tower, but most people are busy in practice on weekdays, and it's not easy to meet some people.

So, if you want to solicit people, you have to start with new people. They have just arrived, their status is unstable, and they need to seek asylum, and I have a chance. "

"So, the reason why you are a waiter is not to earn points, but to recruit talent?"

"Yes." Han Chenyang chuckled. "I wanted to attract you to Blue Girl originally, but now it seems that it is very difficult ..."

Bailihongzhuang smiled slightly, "I am indeed a newcomer. Compared to other people, I have no knowledge of the main city of the state, and I have never heard of the forces here.

It is not wise to make a rash move to join a certain party, what do you think? "

Han Chenyang also understands the meaning of Bailihongzhuang. This girl is obviously not an ordinary person, and she has strong strength. Naturally, there is no need to say more.

Join without knowing the situation. This is not a choice that a wise person would make.

"You're right, at least you need to know clearly." Han Chenyang nodded, "but I still have to introduce myself, I am from the night palace."

Hearing the word "Yongong", Bailihongzhuang's expression was slightly changed, and it seemed that she had a good relationship with this night palace.

"What? Blue Girl knows Night Palace?"

Han Chenyang didn't miss the change in Baili's makeup. Obviously, when she heard the word Ye Gong, her expression was different.

"I only came to the main city of Zhouli today, and only heard the names of two forces.

One is the League, the other is the Night Palace. "

"Yun Meng?" Han Chenyang frowned. "You should also know the relationship between our night palace and Xun Meng?"


"I just don't know which side the blue girl is on?"

"In count, I should be on the side of the night palace," Baili Hongzhuang said, "because, I killed a man of the League."

As soon as this remark came out, Han Chenyang suddenly changed his face, "You killed a puppet as soon as you arrived?"


"Then how did you get to the Sky Tower?"

Han Chenyang was skeptical, he still knew the character of Pengmeng very well.

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