Those guys have always acted arrogantly, and it's normal to offend people.

Fortunately, they can be considered a little self-aware. People in the main city of Zhouli will not easily offend, so some newcomers who are new to the city can easily be targeted.

Want to come, Baili Hongzhuang will be targeted because of his first arrival, but he didn't know anything about it and killed the other party directly. It can be seen that this courage is not small ...

"Come here." Baili Hongzhuang smiled.

"They didn't chase you?" Han Chenyang thought, "Did you kill the unnamed puppet of Pengmeng?"

"Mengwu, have you ever heard of it?"

"Mengwu? I know." Han Chenyang showed a clear look. "Mengwu still has a certain influence in the League. If you kill Mengwu, they cannot easily let you go."

Mengwu's group of people must report that he is very clear, if not so, they will not have so many conflicts with the alliance.

"They did come to me again later, but they returned after being taught by me."

Han Chenyang looked at the calm look of Baili Hongzhuang, but he didn't take all of this into his heart, and his speculation about his strength increased a bit.

Once those guys in the League are taught, revenge can never be as simple as one or two.

If the Blue Girl is fast enough, they will not catch up before reaching the Sky Tower, but since she has already caught up, she can come here unscathed, and her strength can be roughly guessed .

"Looks like the Pakatan League has suffered heavy losses this time?"

"That's not true." Baili Hongzhuang said, "I'm here for the first time after all, it's necessary to kill one person. It would be a complete offense to kill them all.

However, I have a little doubt. I wonder if they can get revenge when they enter the tower of this day? "

So far, all she knows is the rules inside the Sky Tower, but I don't know if the practitioners outside can come here for trouble.

If she could come, she would have paid more attention.

In her own situation, it is not too dangerous, but Shu Qi is in the lower thirty floors.

She might not be able to take care of him if someone from the League of Legends shoots at him.

"They can't go straight into the Tower of Heaven to seek revenge," Han Chenyang explained, "but the practitioners in the Tower of Sky can do it, and there are people in the Tower of Heaven.

Almost all other forces are present in the Sky Tower, but there are not many people here. "

Bailihongzhuang came to understand then, chuckling: "In this case, this trouble will still find me."

"With your strength, don't worry."

Soon, Baili Hongzhuang came to her residence.

Compared to Shu Qi's residence, her room is undoubtedly much larger and the furnishings inside are better.

"At Sky Tower, as long as you have points, you can basically do whatever you want. In fact, they are comfortable.

There are balconies out there, even if you want to sunbathe. "

Looking at Han Chenyang's eyes, Bailihongzhuang found that there was indeed a balcony outside, and even people could see flowers and plants on the balcony next to it, which was obviously quite leisurely.

"Many strong people are unwilling to join any forces, and it is quite comfortable to live here.

You do n’t know the upper 30 floors, where the top powerhouses live. The greater the influence, the higher the floors. "

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