He never showed mercy to anyone who wanted to kill him.

If you still think of brotherhood at this time, these guys might kill him directly without mercy!

Qiu Lei watched the two of them fall and could not help but sip in secret.


"Both are waste!"

Originally, they had no problem in dealing with Shu Qi alone, but now Dong Yi and Shu Qi have become the consent camp, but they have no advantage, which is really difficult.

At this time, Shu Qi did not continue to dodge, but slowly walked to Qiu Lei, the eyes were cold.

Watching him approaching step by step, Qiu Lei subconsciously stepped back two steps, his expression unconsciously flashed a little panic.

"It seems that you are not going to give up on this matter?"

Shu Qi's heart was also hesitant, killing Qiu Lei was nothing.

This guy is not as strong as he is, and it is easy for him to kill him now.

It's just that Qiu Lei is not the same as them. He is just a cultivator who has been training alone. This guy has a background in the main city of Lizhou.

Once he kills him now, I am afraid that Qiudi people will come to him for revenge.

He understands such a family, even if Qiu Lei's status in the family is not very good, but he is anybody in the family anyway, this is killed by a person without background, they absolutely can not swallow this breath.

By then ... things will be in trouble.

Qiu Lei also saw Shu Qi's hesitation. After all, this guy still had little chance. After all, his humble origins were incomparable to him.

Dong Yi also looked at Shu Qi, and he could judge his mood from his look, but to this point ...

"Even if I lent you a courage, you wouldn't dare to kill me, otherwise you would only have a dead end." Qiu Lei sneered, "Just want to lie to me like your waste, it's a joke!"


At the moment when Qiu Lei said this, Shu Qi punched him in the face and directly flew him out.


Qiu Lei spit out blood, and Shu Qi's fist actually knocked off his two teeth.

He looked at Shu Qi with his face, but found that the latter came directly to him, his eyes full of murderous.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Lei's words that he wanted to say could not help but get stuck in his throat, and he dared not talk nonsense easily.

He felt that Shu Qi would really kill him.

However, at this moment, several practitioners came in from the outside.

Qiu Lei's eyes brightened when he saw the coming place, and there was excitement on his face.

"Wuhai, this is the person you are looking for!"

After hearing the words, the man who was called to his name couldn't help but stopped and glanced at Qiu Lei's location, with a little doubt in his eyes.

"Isn't this Qiu Lei?"

The man laughed jokingly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Even with only one look, he could see that Qiu Lei was full of disdain in his bones.

"Yes, I'm Qiu Lei." Qiu Lei nodded again and again. "Aren't you looking for someone who started in the restaurant that day? This kid is!"

As Qiu Lei's words fell, Wuhai changed his face and looked at Shu Qi seriously.

Others were not present when there was a conflict on that day. Naturally, it was not very clear what was going on, but there was a person around him who had seen the scene at first, and should be able to recognize him.

"Look, is this kid?"

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