Long Cang heard Shu Qi and looked at Shu Qi too. He didn't pay much attention to it, but when he saw Shu Qi's appearance, his expression could not help but change.

The conflict broke out that day was too sudden, the girl left a deep impression on everyone.

Almost everyone thought what the girl looked like, but no one remembered the guy beside him.

However, his position at that time was tighter than that of Shu Qi, so if you think about it at this moment, you can be sure that this guy is the man of the day.

"Yes! It's him!"

When Shu Qi knew that the oncoming guys were Yanmeng's people, he felt a chuckle.

The reason why he hasn't shown up these days is that on the one hand, he needs enough time to retreat, on the other hand, he is also worried that Yanmeng's people will find him in trouble.

Therefore, he simply could not close the door, which is the most safe.

However, he did not expect that today is just hard to come by. Luck would be so bad that it would be a bit unlucky to run into them one after another.

After hearing Long Cang's words, several people in Wuhai couldn't help but stunned, "What are you saying is true?"

Long Cang nodded, "Of course it is true! I can be sure this kid!"

Several people's eyes lit up, and a strong color of excitement appeared in the eyes.

After the first thing happened, the entire Yanmeng was tarnished, because this thing was also laughed at by many forces.

But since that day, it was extremely difficult for them to find news about the girl.

They usually stay at the Tower of Heaven on weekdays, but because this thing is too much trouble, so they also understand clearly.

The leader was furious because of this incident, and later told them that if they could find the two, there would be a reward.

"I didn't expect the luck of the few of us to be so good, this is a big luck!"

The five of them glanced at each other, and there was a burst of joy in their eyes.

That girl is indeed not an opponent, but this kid is not their opponent at all!

As long as the kid is caught back, they can make a business trip. As for whether other girls can catch the girl, this is not a problem they want to worry about.

"Wuhai, this kid is very cunning, you must not let him run away."

There was a smug look on Qiu Lei's face. This guy dared to be so arrogant to him before, and he was going to be out of luck!

After Dong Yi saw this scene, there was also a deep helpless look on his face.

This is really not a bad luck!

"Shu Qi, what shall we do?"

Today, like Shu Qi, he has no choice.

Shu Qi looked at the five people in front of her, and through his breath he could judge that his strength was similar to him.

If it's one or two, he might still be able to give it a try, but five people is obviously not an opponent.

"Fight against each other will definitely die, we can only find a way to run." Shu Qi Shen said.

Thirty-six planning is the best way to go. This is the only way at present, otherwise there will be only one way to go.

Dong Yi couldn't help lamenting after hearing this unexpected answer. Sure enough, it was such a desperate situation.


The moment they made this decision, the two took the opportunity to leave.

However, it seems that Wuhai and others have already seen through their intentions, and it is naturally impossible for them to leave easily.

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