"I don't know what happened to you?"

While Han Chenyang was cold, thinking about how to deal with this guy in front of him, Baili Hongzhuang had already come out of the house.

Looking at the man in black, his face was extremely indifferent, and his outline was cold and firm, just like a sword with a sheath, and he brought a breath of breath.

She had heard the movement from outside, but she didn't expect Han Chenyang to find a way to stop this person for her.

After all, this person is not a simple person at a glance, I am afraid it is a big trouble.

The moment the man looked at Baili Hongzhuang appeared, she had already confirmed her identity. After all, the news of the first beauty of the Tower of Heaven had gone wild these days.

Generally speaking, the argument about beauty is always very time-consuming, and each person has their own eyes, and everyone's views are different.

It is very difficult to choose the first beauty that everyone agrees with.

However, since the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang, this has always been a very controversial thing and suddenly there is no controversy, everyone has a very unified result.

No one can afford the first beauty of the tower of this day except Lan Yixuan.

Not only is the Tower of Heaven, but now some people even directly believe that Lan Yixuan is the first beauty in the main city of Lizhou.

The cultivators in the main city of Lizhou in the whole state aroused a lot, and the number of beauties was even more. Even so, many people still agree with this result and think that she is the most beautiful woman in the main city of Lizhou.

Now this news is just one person's opinion, after all, even in this tower, many people have not seen Baili Red Makeup, let alone a cultivator in the main city of Lizhou.

But the man can be sure to look at the person in front of him, and it will take a long time for the first beauty in the main city of Zhouli to change.

As a result, they have somehow disrupted their plans ...

Lu Ji was silent for a moment, and then said to Baili Hongzhuang: "I want to know Danfang."

The moment Han Chenyang heard the words, his eyes appeared thick and silent.

I have long guessed that this guy is here for Danfang, but what you said ... if you want us to give it?


Baili Hongzhuang did not refuse the first time, but asked rhetorically.

Lu Ji thought for a while, "Cultivation resources? You can freely offer prices."

For them, it is not difficult to cultivate resources.

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, "Do you think this kind of condition can touch me?"

By this time, it is clear that training resources is no longer too tempting.

After the strength has reached the top of this plane, it is never difficult to obtain cultivation resources.

In the past, they might have fought for their resources, but now they want something else.

Upon hearing this, Lu Ji understood the meaning of Baili Hongzhuang. In fact, he had already guessed her request.

Without direct refusal, it has been proven that she does not value this most.

It is precisely because it is not these things that are most difficult.

"You think I need to impress you when I come here?"

Lu Ji sneered, with a look of contempt.

"I said yes, you just want it, whether you give it or not, the result is the same.

I urge you to say that in order to eat less, you still promise me the best. "

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere inside the room dropped a few degrees.

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