Little Black Eyes saw that his owner had guessed these, and after still looking calmly, his heart was full of sighs.

Sure enough, at this point, it is really no match for the owner.

At this moment, Han Chenyang also looked at Baili Hongzhuang.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and they both smiled.

Even if they are not clear enough about each other's details, but as far as their position is concerned, there is obviously nothing worthy of being an enemy.

Since you are not planning to be an enemy, it is naturally excellent to be friends like this.

Almost at the moment when Han Chenyang saw Baili Hongzhuang's gaze, he knew that the girl had seen him through.

Sure enough, it is a powerful role.

Even though he had tried his best to hide, he was still found.

However, this situation is just as he thought. Baili Hongzhuang is a smart person. Even if he really guesses his identity is not simple, he will not care.

In this way, that's enough.

There was a tacit agreement between the two, and no one said much on this point.

However, the sudden appearance on this day broke the original calm.

A man in black walked into the house, and he was surrounded by a breath of breath. From the moment he walked into the house, the temperature inside the room seemed to drop instantly.

Han Chenyang could not help but turn his eyes to look at the coming person, but after seeing the man's appearance clearly, his look could not help but change slightly.

"I don't know what your son is doing?"

Han Chenyang still has a polite smile on his face, even if the other party seems to be uncomfortable, he asks with the most kind attitude.

"I want to find Lan Yixuan." The man said.

Hearing that, Han Chenyang was not surprised, and said: "Lady Lan is busy practicing, you can tell me the matter first, and I will pass it on to her.

If she wants to buy the Elixir, then she has given me the Elixir and can buy it directly. "

When the man listened to the first sentence, his eyes had already become impatient, but only when he heard that the panacea was bought from Han Chenyang, there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes.

It seems that Han Chenyang is a person with enough trust in Baili Hongzhuang, otherwise he will not give him the Elixir to sell.

"I'm not here just to buy a panacea." The man's face was cold, and there was no slight temperature in his speech. "I want to see Lan Yixuan."

Han Chenyang frowned slightly, "Young Master, Miss Lan is now practicing, you may as well tell me first."

Hearing this, the man sneered and looked at Han Chenyang disdainfully.

"Tell you?"

"Which green onion do you count?"

The smile on Han Chenyang's face finally dissipated at this moment. Since this time, the people who have seen this immortality do not know how many.

He was very smooth during the conversation, and he didn't encounter any difficult guys.

It's just that what should come is always here, and this tough guy still appears after all.

"I want to see Lan Yixuan, if she doesn't come to see me, then I can only go directly to her."

Han Chenyang's eyes were cold, and through the men's clothing, he vaguely guessed his identity.

I just didn't expect that these guys would be so unreasonable as soon as they came, so it would be unreasonable to look directly at this look.

Baili Hongzhuang also heard the movements coming from outside the door. She lied slightly, even if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could perceive that the people outside were not good.

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