Now that he knows this, he still shot me at this time, wouldn't that be tantamount to death? "

Baili Hongzhuang's pretty face circulated with a confident color. The reason why she put forward this point is to protect Tianjilou and let them choose to help her out of interest.

On the other hand, it is also revealing a message to them through this incident, telling them that they have a strong enough background.

Whether they believe it or not, they dare not act rashly.

Because even if 1 in 10,000 may be true, they will never die again.

"Even if Ji Zimo doesn't believe what I said, he will only do what has happened today, and will not do anything else." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Hearing this, Xiaohei came to understand this, "It turns out so."

"But I really didn't expect that the person I met just by eating a crab bag would be an important person in Tianji Building, which is a coincidence!"

Xiao Hei shook his head and sighed that such fate really did not dare to compile stories.

The first time I went out, the person I met was the person they were looking for. Instead, I felt a sense of destiny in my life.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes also showed a playful color, "Maybe this is the destiny."

What she most wants to know now is the situation of the Devil Realm, and wants to know whether everything is going well after Beichen went to the Demon Realm.

Even though Xiaohe can know that Xiaobai is safe and sound, Beichen should not have encountered any danger, but this concern is still indelible.

Although the line did not ask too much news today, but the response through Ji Zimo has already given her a certain answer.

No matter what way the Tianji Building understands the Devil World news, but they do know it.

When she mentioned Devil Emperor, Ji Zimo showed a shocked look but did not question it, enough to prove that he also knew the news of Devil Emperor's return to Demon Realm, and even knew the current situation of Devil Emperor.

Therefore, as long as Tianjilou and her reach a cooperation, all these things will become much simpler.

"Before that scene, we and Ji Zimo are also friends, I hope he can understand it."

Xiaohei prayed in his heart, if Ji Zimo missed this great opportunity, it would be a fool!

When the host has solved all the problems, he will surely invite the host back.

That's the magic queen!

A promise from the Queen of Magic, what problem does Tianjilou want to gain a foothold in Demon Realm?

If you can become the confidant of the devil, the future will really have an unlimited future!

"It seems that we have to find a way to enter the 99th floor."

Baili Hongzhuang's phoenix squinted slightly, showing a serious look.

"Into the ninety-ninth floor?" Xiao Hei stunned, "Isn't it going to enter the ninety-first floor?"

Baili Hongzhuang's lips are slightly hooked, and what Ji Zimo once said to her comes to mind.

"Do you remember when I was eating crab dumplings before, I mentioned this question, Ji Zimo said to me with a smile, it would be better to go to the 99th floor?"

Hearing, Xiao Hei's eyes widened after thinking for a moment, "Master, do you mean that Ji Zimo already told you the answer at that time?"

Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows, "This is not impossible."

When she first talked about this issue, she really just talked about it, and also wanted to see what ordinary cultivators of Demon Realm have in this matter.

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