She once guessed that maybe the 99th floor is where this boundary is.

And Ji Zimo also mentioned this point. At that time, she only felt that this proved that the 99th floor is a very mysterious place in everyone's eyes.

However, when she knew the real identity of Ji Zimo, this sentence also added a hint of unusual meaning.

At that time, Ji Zimo had never thought that she would have such understanding of Demon Realm, and even felt that she would not believe it in such a joke.

It's just that after connecting all these things in series at the moment, what was originally impossible has become possible, as if suddenly the answer has been found.

Xiao Hei thinks that the analysis of his own owner is also very reasonable. If this is really the case, then it is really a coincidence.

"Now don't think about this for now, just wait for Ji Zimo's response."

Baili Hongzhuang put her attention away from this matter, but now there is one more thing waiting for her to deal with.

That is, as soon as she came out of the tower, someone had joined forces to try to kill her.

Can't this matter go so easily ...

When she returned to the Tower of Heaven, she looked at the waiters on the first floor, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

When the other party can receive the message so quickly, it can be seen that someone should report it.

Otherwise, how could the wind be heard in such a short time?

"Blue girl, are you okay?"

As soon as I came back, Baili Hongzhuang saw Shu Qi and Dong Yi who were interested in her eyes, and there were some surprises in her heart. Did the news come back so quickly?

"We have all heard of the previous things. You were attacked as soon as you went out!"

Although they had heard that Blue Girl had beaten the other person in a fright and fled, they did not know if she was injured.

After all, it is a confrontation between the peaks of the Ninth Grade. Even if these people are not Blue Girl's opponents, even if they are crushed, it is not easy to be harmless.

It's just that they looked at the blue girl in front of them and it seemed that they were really safe and sound, without any injuries.

Looking at the expression of concern of the two, Baili Hongzhuang also showed a smile on his face.

"I'm not hurt, don't worry."

After getting this affirmative answer, the two could not help but looked at each other, and the excitement in their hearts was even stronger.

"Blue girl, your strength is really great."

Dong Yi's admiration for Baili Red Makeup reached another peak. The three masters of the nine peaks are there. The Blue Girl can still be so safe. How strong is it?

"Blue girl, do you know who shot you?"

Shu Qi lowered her voice. Although she agreed this time, the other party took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

If you can't pull this person out, I'm just afraid of future troubles!

Baili Hongzhuang also understood Shu Qi's worry, and could not help saying: "You can rest assured, I understand."

Hearing this, Shu Qi only showed her peace of mind. He believed that the blue girl was so smart, afraid that she already had an idea in her heart.

"Unfortunately we can't help ..."

With a sigh, Shu Qi looked a little ashamed.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, "It's not without it, if you are willing to help."

As soon as this remark came out, both of them glanced brightly and nodded: "We are willing!"

"Then trouble you ..."

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