Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, "Downstairs?"

Han Chenyang nodded, with a hint of surprise in his expression, "How do you know?"

When he heard today that someone came to find the Blue Girl, he was still a little surprised. After all, Blue Girl had no friends in the main city of Li, and the only person he knew before was Shu Qi of the Tower of Heaven.

Someone came to her today and it was a real surprise.

But looking at the calm expression of Miss Lan at the moment, she understood that she had already known, and presumably the two had already made an appointment.

"I'm waiting for someone, naturally know." Baili Hongzhuang smiled lightly.

When Baili Hongzhuang walked downstairs to Tianzhi Tower, he unexpectedly saw Ji Zimo, who smiled slowly on his face.

"Blue girl, we met again."

Looking at Jizimo, who was a little more intimate than before, Bailihong makeup slightly raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly: "It seems that the son has made a decision?"

"Blue girl, I think we need to talk about it." Yoshiko Modao said, "The way to join forces."

Baili Red Makeup has a slightly hooked lip corner, "Okay."

Everyone at the scene watched Baili Hongzhuang go out like this, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

"Does Blue Girl know other people in the main city of Lizhou?"

"This guy doesn't look familiar either, it seems that he is not a very famous character."

"I've seen this man. When the Blue Girl was attacked by someone on that day, this person was by her side. Maybe she became a friend after the last thing?"

Baili Hongzhuang listened to the comments of everyone around him. Obviously, no one knew the true identity of Ji Zimo, and he felt a bit more about the power of Tianjilou in his heart.

Sure enough, if you want to discover more news, you can't be too eye-catching.

Ji Zimo's status in Tianji Building is extremely high, but he has no reputation at all. Among these real powers, the identity of the people is really better than one.

Han Chenyang, so it must be.

"Which restaurant does Blue Girl want to sit in?"

"I'm not very familiar with the main city of Lizhou, why don't you choose it." Baili Hongzhuang said.

"it is good."

Under the guidance of Ji Zimo, Baili Hongzhuang came to a very elegant restaurant.

Unlike ordinary restaurants, this restaurant does not have a lobby, and all are private rooms, which may be more suitable for conversation.

"The dishes here are very good. Blue Girl can try them."

Ji Zimo ordered some special dishes, and then smiled and looked at Baili Hongzhuang.

The latter also tastes tea slowly, and since Ji Zimo is not eager to get to the point, she is naturally not in a hurry.

Ji Zimo has been paying attention to the reaction of Baili Hongzhuang. After seeing her appearance that she has never put on her heart, she also understands that the other party is full of confidence and does not speak. The blue girl will not take the initiative to mention anything.

"Blue Girl, as long as you can guarantee that our Tianji Building has room for development after going to Devil Realm, I am willing to cooperate with you." Ji Zi Mo said.

Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, her eyes glazed, her eyes glanced at him blandly and wisely, and said in a hurry: "Before this, can you tell me your identity in Tianjilou?

With such a big decision, can you really dominate? "

Hearing the words, Ji Zimo also understood Baili Hongzhuang's thoughts and said, "Below is the young master of the Tianji Building, and Blue Girl can rest assured."

Rao Shi already had this guess in mind, but when he got this affirmative answer from Jizi Mokou, Baili Hongzhuang still couldn't help but wonder.

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