The young master of the Tianji Building, even in the main city of Lizhou, is enough to shock people.

Who would have thought that he just queued up to eat a crab dumpling and could actually recognize such a role?

She carefully looked at Ji Zimo in front of her eyes, and found that there was obviously a big gap between him and his appearance just now.

When he saw him for the first time, he was just an ordinary person. Even when she saw her, he reacted like an ordinary man. But at the moment, he seemed to have more a shrewd sense of wisdom, the same appearance, but It's no longer like the appearance of everyone.


Baili Hongzhuang admired it without any help, and could hide himself so well, it was really amazing.

"So ... how is the Devil Emperor today?" Baili Hongzhuang asked calmly.

She is not very concerned about other situations, the only thing she cares about is this.

Ji Zimo was stunned, but did not expect that the first problem of Baili Hongzhuang was not the way to enter the demon world, but this problem.

She cared so much about the Devil Emperor, and it further confirmed his previous conjecture.

Lan Yixuan ... Meet the Devil Emperor!

"The Devil Emperor returned to Demon Realm some time ago, and the situation of the entire Devil City completely changed.

The four princes always wanted to rule the demon world and become a new generation of devil emperors, but the old princess and some demon emperors still insisted.

Now that the Devil Emperor has returned, the two sides have completely fought, and the Devil Emperor has decisively killed and resolved some very difficult people in a short period of time. "

After making a decision, Ji Zimo did not hide Baili Hongzhuang.

Nowadays, the major forces in the main city of Lizhou are thinking about how to survive in the Devil Realm, to ensure that the forces will not be greatly affected by this, but more people cannot find a way.

Lan Yixuan is like a huge opportunity in front of him, as long as he catches it, it will fly to Huang Tengda!

He couldn't let this opportunity pass.

Even if it is just a gamble.

He thought that any one person would make such a choice without hesitation under such circumstances.

"Now the situation in the whole Magic City is very chaotic. The four princes have been preparing for so many years, and their strength should naturally not be underestimated. Many forces have been involved.

However, the Devil Emperor was so strong, and those old men were also very strong, and it is still unclear about the specific situation. "

"Although some of us have entered the magic city, our strength is too weak to do anything. The only thing we can do is to receive some news." Ji Zimo said frankly.

After the connection between the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, their Tianji Building as the top force of the Demon Realm naturally has the opportunity to enter it.

However, this quota is very small, they have already sent the strongest strongman.

However, this person is indeed a very strong person in their demon domain, but after going to the Demon Realm, his strength is completely impossible, and any person in the Demon Realm must be stronger.

Therefore, they can also perceive that once the barrier between the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm is completely broken, their situation will be very embarrassing.

After all, for so many years, they have always been top-notch powers in Demon Realm. Once they become the existence of the bottom, it feels completely different.

They need an opportunity, an opportunity for them to develop in the devil world.

You don't need the other party to do too much, as long as you can give them a little time and let them develop.

If the Blue Girl knew the Devil Emperor, then this is just a matter of words.

"Who has the upper hand in the current situation?"

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