"You really don't have any background?"

Han Chenyang's eyes showed a hint of curiosity. Rao Shi has already confirmed this, but he still feels a little unbelievable.

It is not surprising that Baili Hongzhuang had been hiding in the big forces before and did not come out, so naturally there would be no fame.

However, it is strange that no one knows the situation in this process step by step by his own strength.

Baili Hongzhuang shrugged and said frankly: "Isn't this what everyone has investigated?"

"I know this, but there is another situation." Han Chenyang said in a deep voice.

Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, "Another situation?"

"Maybe your background is too strong, so strong that so many people can't investigate your identity."

Han Chenyang's eyes were serious, and there was no joke at all.

It may be ridiculous for these words to fall in the ears of others, because it is impossible to happen.

He did have this idea when he had this idea, which is really incredible, but think about it carefully ... In fact, it is not without this possibility.

Listening to Han Chenyang's words, Baili Hongzhuang carefully thought about it, and suddenly found that his guess was quite interesting.

If you talk about your true background ... the devil's wife?

This background really seems to be strong enough!

Han Chenyang has been paying attention to the change of Baili Hongzhuang's expression. After discovering that she seems to be in hesitation, her expression has become very strange. Is it true that she is really right?

"It can not be?"

Han Chenyang's expression is very complicated, so this is really amazing.

"Do you wish it to be true or false?" Baili Hongzhuang smiled lightly.

Han Chenyang touched his chin and thought: "Carefully, our relationship is not bad.

If you can have such an identity, there is no harm to me ...

Then I still hope you really have such a background. "

"You've counted everything well." Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows. "Then you can tell me which force you belong to? What is your identity?"

"Broken Soul, have you heard of it?" Han Chenyang asked.

Baili Hongzhuang was stunned. If the name was changed, she would indeed feel very strange, because she had never heard of it.

However, since she had a chat with Ji Zi Mo Chang, she also had a certain understanding of the major forces of Demon Realm.

At that time, the powerful forces mentioned by Ji Zimo undoubtedly had this broken soul.

"The Night Palace belongs to the broken soul gate, and I ... is the broken soul young master."

Han Chenyang's expression was filled with pride, "Do you think you are great? Let the broken soul young master come to you."

Baili Hongzhuang had already guessed that Han Chenyang's identity was not simple, and it was expected that he must have come from those major forces.

It's just that the young master's identity really surprised her.

In this way, this means that he and Ji Zimo's identity is actually the same.

"Don't break the soul, Master, came to fight for me, what do you think?" Baili Hongzhuang asked.

Han Chenyang spread his hands, "I'm bored!

Don't be arrogant, I can get involved in this errand, I don't know how many people envy.

After all, it is also pleasing to face a beauty like you every day. "

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, "Then I would like to thank you for praising me."

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