Baili Hongzhuang has not been able to close the door, and concentrated on studying the toxin, but the news came to her ears after all.


A knock on the door rang, Baili Hongzhuang opened the door and saw Peng Jinglun and others outside the door.

All the faces in front of me were slightly familiar faces, these people had congratulated her, so they were relatively familiar.

It's just that compared to the previous enthusiasm, their looks are obviously a little bad at the moment.

The moment I saw this scene, Baili Hongzhuang immediately understood what was going on.

"Blue girl, we have something to ask you."

Everyone looked at Bailihong makeup in front of her and saw that she was ruddy, and she looked completely uncomfortable, and there was no anxiety caused by any poisoning.

Baili Hongzhuang is a pharmacist and proficient in pharmacology. This is the whole tower of heaven.

It is no surprise that she said that the poison was configured by her.

At the same time, in a restaurant not far from the Sky Tower.

"Now everyone has discovered the poisoning, and the news has been spread as quickly as possible. Presumably everyone has already gone to Lan Yixuan to settle the bill."

Lin Li looked at Qingling in front of him. He did not expect Qingling to be so thoughtful.

He took the lead to leave and left, leaving a mess directly to Lan Yixuan.

The most important thing is... The others in the Tower of Heaven don't even know that there is a grudge between Baili Hongzhuang and Qingling.

Everyone believed that Qingling was in order to avoid Huanling to find trouble, so he left deliberately.

In this way, even if Baili Hongzhuang wanted to shirk responsibility from Huanling, no one would believe it.

Hearing, Qing Ling's lips also showed a smile.

"This girl thought she could count me in, but I don't know... Jiang is still old and spicy!"

He was really surprised that Baili Hongzhuang could reach this stage at a young age. He thought that the reason he was optimistic about the Green Devil was that he was also a personal talent, and he must be able to inherit his inheritance.

But I have to say that Baili Red Makeup is much stronger than the Green Devil.

At least as far as Baili Hongzhuang does today, the Green Demon simply cannot do it.

Even for him, it took a lot of energy to adapt to the environment of the demon domain. In order to improve the strength, the organization is also exhausted.

Really speaking, your luck is not comparable to Baili Hongzhuang.

As a result, he had to worry about calculations.

Lin Li looked at Qing Ling's serious look, and was puzzled.

"Although this girl is very popular recently, is it really worth your attention?"

He and Qingling have known each other for a long time, and this is the first time he has seen him take such a thing seriously, which is beyond what he has done in the past to deal with those powerful people.

Qingling glanced at Lin Li and said, "Don't look down on this girl, she is not a simple character."

Lin Li nodded slightly, "It may be very troublesome for her to deal with this matter now, just at this point, she wants to compete for the quota of entering the Devil Realm, it is no longer possible."

As a cultivator above the 90th floor, it is possible to compete for the quota to enter the demon world.

However, there are many people and few places, so the competition is fierce.

This requires cultivators to have enough reputation here and gain the support of many people before it is possible.

The Danfang created by Baili Hongzhuang which cannot be copied by other people is her biggest advantage.

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