Seeing that Peng Jinglun even helped Baili Hongzhuang to speak, a look of surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.

It seems that this should be when they do not know, the relationship between the two seems better?

"I am very sorry for this matter, so I prepared some immortality medicine as compensation."

With that, Baili Hongzhuang took out the panacea and put it on the table.

"Of course, I understand that everyone does not lack this compensation, but otherwise, I don't know how to express my own apology."

Everyone's eyes fell on the panacea on the table. The panacea taken by Baili Hongzhuang at this time should be the panacea that everyone wants recently.

I had to spend a lot of effort to buy this medicine. At this time, Baili Hongzhuang directly gave them a guilty gesture, which made everyone feel better.

Actually... they are really lacking!

Seeing that everyone's anger gradually subsided from the initial anger, Baili Hongzhuang also felt relieved.

Qingling wanted to influence everyone's view of her through such things, and even let everyone squeeze her out of this, obviously not too successful.

"It's a small matter of compensation, but the most important thing now is how to get rid of this poison?"

As everyone's anger subsided, they turned their attention to understanding the problem of poison.

Compared to others, what is more important now is how to detoxify.

"We have seen several doctors. This poison seems to have never appeared, and there is no way to crack it. It is really troublesome."

"Indeed, I am also proficient in pharmacology, but it is indeed impossible to detoxify at this time."

"This poison is not ordinary poison. It seems that the other party really wants to kill Lan Yixuan. I don't know who is doing this?"

Everyone looked at each other. Baili Hongzhuang went all the way to the present stage. There are definitely a lot of jealous people. It's just that the people who really take the time to kill her, everyone will really be unexpected.

After all, apart from Lu Ji, there was no one who had a head-on conflict with Baili Hongzhuang.

"Do you say it will be Qingling?" A person said with great interest. "Isn't Lu Ji a person before Qingling?"

"But I think Qingling and Lan Yixuan just seemed to know each other, and there was no hatred between them, unlike someone who wanted to kill her."

This guess was just a few words of whispering before a few people, after all, people did not know that there was any grudge between the two.

Even if Lu Ji is the connection, Lu Ji has already left, and Qingling has not moved to Baili Hongzhuang because of Lu Ji, showing that the hatred between the two is definitely not deep.

"I am currently developing an antidote for this poison, and it will take some time."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at everyone and said sincerely: "I have studied the characteristics of this poison, because it is a chronic poison, and it is not possible to kill people immediately.

Fortunately, you haven’t been here for a long time, the situation is not too serious, and you should have no risk of life.

After I develop this antidote, I will send it to you one by one, how? "

Listening to the words, a look of surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.

"If this matter can really be solved in this way, then it is undoubtedly better. It's just Blue Girl. This is not a general poison. Are you really confident to crack it?"

One person looked at Baili Hongzhuang suspiciously, there was still some gap between the pharmacist and the doctor.

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