"If he didn't exceed his expectations, he must be thinking of ways now."

Baili Hongzhuang slightly raised her eyebrows, with a hint of playfulness in her expression.

"If you want to take advantage of me, then it depends on whether he has the skill!"

"That's it!"

Xiaohei nodded triumphantly. It came across the road with its owner. How many old foxes have you seen in these years?

Don't look at the owner's age is indeed younger than these people, but this experience is not a lot.

If you want to use this method to cheat the master, it is not easy.

"This guy may be unable to think of a way at this moment, and will not come to me for the time being. Let me put it aside first."

There is a trace of seriousness between Baili Hongzhuang's eyebrows. "The most important thing now is to develop this antidote. So many people are still waiting for the result. If it is not developed as soon as possible, it will really be difficult to explain."

With that said, she couldn't help thinking of Han Chenyang.

Before leaving, this guy vowed to say that he could solve the poison. Now I don’t know how?

Two days later.

Han Chenyang is back.

It's just that he didn't come back joyfully, but came back very sadly.

As soon as Baili Hongzhuang looked at his expression, his heart was clear.

"Can't detoxify?"

"I have seen a lot of toxicologists. They said that this poison technique is a bit different from what they know, and it is different in many places, so I will not be able to analyze the result in a moment and a half."

Han Chenyang sighed, remembering what he had vowed to say before, and there was a deep helplessness in his heart.

This is really a face!

"I was going to wait a few days, and then come back after they understand a little bit better, but suddenly I heard that other people have been poisoned and have to ask you to settle the accounts, so I hurried back.

They all come to the door? How did you solve it? Nothing happened? "

Looking at the concern between the man's eyebrows, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and said amusedly: "You can't solve this poison, don't worry about your own safety, but worry about me?"

"Your business is the most important thing!" Han Chenyang rightfully said, "Although my poison can't be cracked now, but it's not life-threatening, it just takes more time.

If you are new to this, it would be terrible if it was targeted by so many people. "

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Han Chenyang, and when he saw what he said seriously, he didn't mean to make a joke at all, and his heart was touched.

"I have nothing to do here, I have been persuaded to go back."

"How do you persuade?"

Han Chenyang looked suspicious, these guys were not so easy to fool, think about it to know how difficult it is for them to leave willingly.

"I promised that they would definitely develop this antidote, and then gave some compensation to temporarily calm them down."

Hearing this, Han Chenyang suddenly understood.

"I now want to understand that Qingling's move is not to avoid trouble, but to get you into trouble.

He took the lead out of his own, so that you can’t point the finger at him, and then come back after things have achieved the effect you want, which is like a wishful thinking! "

"It's true." Baili Hongzhuang's head lightly tapped, "He has already calculated it, but as long as I develop this antidote, his move will not be successful."

"When I go back, I will let them work **** research and development, and I will definitely develop this antidote."

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