Han Chenyang's expression became serious, and he originally thought that he was just poisoned, even if it took a little more time, as long as the antidote was finally developed.

However, he did not expect other people to be poisoned after only a short period of time.

As a result, this detoxification is imminent.

If this problem is not solved as soon as possible, those guys will come to the door again for a long time.

It's not easy to coax them back this time.

This second time, it would be impossible if they wanted to use the same excuse to coax them back.

Even if some compensation is given, it also has no effect. At that time, Blue Girl can't do it if she wants to stay here.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Han Chenyang, who had taken all his responsibilities, thinking about how to help her solve her troubles. The curvature of her lips gradually rose, and the smile between her eyes grew deeper.

"You don't believe I can develop this antidote?"

"I don't believe you," Han Chenyang said. "It's just that I have found so many poison masters. They all said that the poison is very strange, and it is very difficult to crack it.

Your energy is all focused on alchemy. You don’t know enough about this poisoning technique. It is very difficult to develop an antidote. "

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and said, "My attainments in poisoning are not low. Rest assured, you poison... I will help you out."

She has spent some time researching these two days, and has made great progress. Only a part of it has not been determined, and the antidote can be developed.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly heard from outside the door.

"Han Chenyang!"

An anxious voice sounded in anxiety.

Immediately afterwards, the two saw a rather familiar figure coming in from the door.

Qi Rong.

This is a person familiar with Han Chenyang, and even Baili Hongzhuang is no stranger. After all, he had seen it when he was downstairs.

However, at that time, Qi Rong was smiling, gentle and polite. At this moment, she appeared very irritable, and her face was covered with unhappy colors.

"Qi Rong? Why are you here?"

Han Chenyang looked at Qi Rong with some surprise, and apparently did not expect such a scene to appear.

Qi Rong looked at Han Chenyang, and then looked at Baili Red Makeup. The face that was not good-looking at first was even worse.

"I heard that you have been poisoned. You can't stay at home to detoxify. What will you do here if you run so fast?"

After hearing the news of Han Chenyang's poisoning, she hurried over as soon as possible.

After going back, everyone told her that Han Chenyang rushed back as soon as he heard that Lan Yixuan was in trouble, which made her feel annoyed.

"Oh, I'm worried that Blue Girl will be in danger, so come back and see." Han Chenyang said.

Qi Rong's expression swelled, and his eyes felt even more annoyed.

"Isn't it because you stayed here because you are poisoned? Now that the poison hasn't been solved, what is the matter when you came here again?

Han Chenyang, I really didn't know that you would deny yourself like this! "

Baili Hongzhuang didn't even know what was going on. Looking at Qi Rong's reaction at the moment, even if he was unresponsive, he already understood what was going on.

This girl is jealous!

It is not surprising to think about it carefully.

However, she can't let Qi Rong misunderstand.

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