Qi Rong heard Ju Yingyi's words, but the originally angry look also eased a bit, as if he was calmed down.

Han Chenyang looked at Qi Rong's attitude change and his eyes became colder and colder.

"Master, I feel that Qi Rong and this guy really seem unusual!"

Little Black frowned, and curious eyes looked between the two.

After all, Qi Rong's attitude toward Ju Yingyi and Han Chenyang is too clear. Even if they only saw it for the first time, they felt so obvious.

Han Chenyang and Qi Rong have known each other for so long, and the two are in a relationship that they like each other. This perception is even more obvious.

From the perspective of Han Chenyang, it is really difficult not to be angry when faced with such a situation, and they cannot do it otherwise.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes fell on Ju Yingyi. The problem between Qi Rong and Han Chenyang originally seemed to her to be a small problem, and it didn't need much thought.

However, it is not clear what kind of role Ju Yingyi plays here.

If this guy deliberately engaged in destruction, with such a harmless human and animal face, the lethality is indeed large enough.

"Your little lover has come to pick you up, will you still go?" Han Chenyang said coldly.

He sat down directly on the chair, with cold colors between his brows, obviously he didn't want to see the two guys in front of him.

Qi Rong saw that the color of sarcasm in her eyes was even stronger. She gave Lan Yixuan a hateful look, and there was no lack of admiration in her eyes.

"I have long heard of the strength of Blue Girl and the skill of refining medicine, but I did not expect that it is also a must in seducing men.

It is obviously already married, and it can make others die, which is really amazing! "

Qi Rong's sneer was not at all polite. The meaning contained in his eyes was almost immediately apparent to everyone present.

Baili Hongzhuang frowned slightly, and the quarrel between the unmarried couple between the two really involved her directly.

Originally, she wanted to help Han Chenyang explain, but after seeing Ju Yingyi appearing, she understood that this explanation might be difficult.

If there are only three of them, it is easy to pick them out directly.

But this suddenly became four people, and the dispute will undoubtedly become bigger. If you want to explain this clearly, the difficulty will increase greatly.

Han Chenyang was so rude to see Qi Rong talking, so he was immediately angry.

"If you want to quarrel, just quarrel with me. What do you mean to scorn Blue Girl?"

Others didn't know, but he was too aware of the blue girl.

Since this time, I don't know how many people want to please Blue Girl, but no one can approach. Blue Girl has already rejected everyone, and has not given any hope.

Qi Rong's remarks were completely splashing dirty water.

Any other woman would not accept such words.

"She hasn't even spoken yet, but you're arguing for her first?"

Qi Rong snorted, as if at this moment the whole person was bad.

"Han Chenyang, you really have yours. The two of us have no relationship since today!"

With that, she glanced at Ju Yingyi beside her and said, "Let's go!"

Ju Yingyi seemed to be a bit surprised by the situation in front of him. When he wanted to say something, he saw Qi Rong pulling him away like this, hesitating and then turned around.

However, the moment the two were about to turn around and leave, the door was suddenly closed.

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