
The door closed abruptly, causing the two to leave at a slight pace.

Qi Rong was stunned, still not understanding what was going on, and heard the figure of Baili Hongzhuang ringing from behind her.

"What do you think of me here? Come when you want, leave when you want to go?"

The woman's cold voice is full of force, revealing an overbearing domineering, indifferent and strong.

Qi Rong was shocked by Baili Hongzhuang's move. She turned her head ugly and stared at the fascinating figure. She couldn't help but think about it. Isn't this woman planning to do it herself?

If you think about it carefully, although the forces behind her are not simple, Lan Yixuan itself is a rare strong.

Suddenly he ran and said something like this, and even splashed a pot of dirty water, which really caused her anger.

"So what do you want to do?"

Qi Rong stared at Baili Hongzhuang, thinking about how to leave this place in his mind.

Baili Hongzhuang looks indifferent and has a panoramic view of Qi Rong's look. It seems that this woman really forgot her identity before!

Han Chenyang also looked at Baili Hongzhuang unexpectedly. Although he felt very unhappy because of this matter, he would not hurt Qi Rong naturally.

It's just that this guy's previous actions were indeed excessive, and he didn't know what Blue Girl had planned.

"I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Han Chenyang, but you can't throw dirty water on others because of the conflict between you two."

Baili Hongzhuang glared at her with cold eyes, her eyebrows slightly raised, her proud posture was noble again.

"I don't know your age, but it's not a child to have such a cultivation, it's better to have a brain before talking!"

Qi Rong's face was blue and white for a while as Baili Hongzhuang said, and his face was very ugly.

"Why do you..."

"To shut up!"

Baili Hongzhuang gave a cold drink and interrupted her directly.

Qi Rong closed his mouth subconsciously, his face green.

"If you can beat me now, then you can do it. If you don't have this strength, shut up and listen to me now."

Baili Hongzhuang is not at all polite. Although she knows the relationship between the two, she will not do it, but this girl's approach is really unpleasant.

"Han Chenyang and I are good friends. Those you said before are pure slander.

Don't blame others by saying nonsense without real evidence. "

"In addition, don't you have a marriage contract with Han Chenyang?

You said that he is close to me. What is it like to follow such a man by your side?

To blame others, you must first do well enough?

If you haven't solved your own problem, just blame others. You are really embarrassed. "

Qi Rong Weizheng, she did not expect Baili Hongzhuang to say such a thing.

Although the tone of the speech is very unpleasant, she can be sure that she heard it correctly.

The meaning of Baili Hongzhuang is clearly that there is no relationship between the two of them, it is purely a relationship of friends?

"Looking at the relationship between the two of you, I will say so here today, but if you dare to make trouble inexplicably like this next time, don't blame me for being rude."

Qi Rong looked at her blankly, and a lot of doubts suddenly appeared in her mind.

Ben wanted to ask again, but he couldn't say it himself.

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