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Deathly silence.

Han Junxian looked at Han Chenyang who appeared suddenly, and what this guy had said outside had clearly passed into their ears.

Not only did my son make such misunderstanding rumors, but now he even brought people home?

Qi Xiangtian was stunned for a moment and then turned into a rage, his temples were violent, and he looked at Han Junxian angrily.

"Joon Hyun, is this what you gave me?"

As soon as Qi Xiangtian waved his sleeves, he was extremely angry, pulling Qi Rong on the side and walking out.

"Rong Er, let's go back!"

Han Junxian was also dumbfounded, he really didn't expect such a scene to happen.

"Brother Qi, wait."

While holding Qi Xiangtian, he angrily scolded Han Chenyang: "What the **** is going on with you? Can't you explain it clearly?"

Han Chenyang's reaction was no better than that of the few people in the house. He was full of thoughts that he could successfully persuade his father.

After Miss Lan went to the Demon Realm, they had a reliance on Broken Soul.

As the Young Master of Broken Soul, he has never been able to do anything for everyone, and this matter is undoubtedly his greatest contribution.

Who ever thought that Qi Rong was here, not only that, but even Palace Master Qi was there.

Even if you don't know what they were talking about before, you can understand from this posture that you must have come to find yourself to settle the account, but accidentally hit by yourself, and happened to bring the blue girl back.

It's really a big misunderstanding!


Han Chenyang saluted Qi Xiangtian, but the latter snorted coldly, without a good face.

Han Junxian winked at him, and the latter also understood immediately.

Even if the relationship between him and Qi Rong did have some changes, at this time there was indeed nothing to do with Miss Lan, and she could not be implicated.

"I just want to bring Miss Lan to discuss some cooperation matters with my dad. There is nothing else, and I hope my uncle will not misunderstand."

After hearing this, Han Junxian quickly continued: "Brother Qi, I said all this is just a misunderstanding."

"Come on, sit down, sit down and talk."

Qi Xiangtian still had a cold face, and such rumors would obviously not be offset by Han Chenyang's absence.

He looked at Baili Hongzhuang behind Han Chenyang, and had to say that this girl was indeed pretty.

From a man's point of view, the girl's face might be enough to make any man go crazy.

It is not surprising to abandon his fiancée for this reason.

Qi Rong is also looking at Baili Hongzhuang in front of her. The last time we met, she was more angry, and because of her resistance from the bottom of her heart, she had not been carefully seen.

After seeing it clearly at this moment, she couldn't help but think of what Baili Hongzhuang said before.

As far as Miss Blue is concerned, even if the other party is Han Chenyang, she is probably just an ordinary person in her eyes, not very good.

"I want to know what cooperation Cheng Yang is planning to bring Miss Lan to discuss?"

Qi Xiangtian looked at Han Chenyang, with his hands wrapped around his chest, with an expression of watching the show.

Obviously, if Han Chenyang didn't give him an explanation today, he would never give up!

Now it was Han Chenyang's turn to make trouble.

Not everyone can tell Miss Blue's secret, it doesn't matter if she knows it, she told her father because she was reliable enough.

It's not that he doesn't trust Palace Master Qi, but Palace Master Qi has complaints against him...

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