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Han Junxian looked at Baili Hongzhuang. Although it was the first time I saw this girl, Lan Yixuan was really out in the limelight since this time.

The major forces have always been able to grasp any disturbance in the first time, and as the Sect Master of Broken Soul, he naturally wouldn't know it.

This blue girl has never disappeared from everyone's topic since she appeared. Leaving aside Han Chenyang's relationship in this matter, this blue girl is really a talented person and very good.

What Han Chenyang said to him the last time appeared in his mind, and he could vaguely guess how much.

He knows his own son better.

Although what I said at the beginning sounds crazy, I might not believe it to anyone, but it is impossible for my son to joke about this kind of thing.

After seeing so many things, he felt that Han Chenyang was not stupid and would not be easily deceived.

It's just... it's really difficult to convince him.

"Chenyang, did you bring Miss Lan for the pill business?" Han Junxian asked.

Hearing, Han Chenyang nodded and said: "It is exactly this."

Qi Xiangtian looked at Han Junxian suspiciously, and didn't know if he had said this at the moment to help Han Chenyang out of the siege.

After thinking about it carefully, Lan Yixuan's pill is indeed very famous. It has been so long that no alchemist has been able to imitate her pill. This is very incredible to everyone.

It stands to reason that this possibility is very small. It has never happened before, but it happened to Baili Hongzhuang.

If Duanhun can really get this pill, then the influence will undoubtedly increase.

After all, none of the medicinal pills created by this girl is simple, almost each of them is of great use.

If cooperation can be reached, there will be absolutely no harm to Dead Soul.

Could it be that I really misunderstood Han Chenyang?

The reason why he and Baili Hongzhuang are so close is because he is thinking about breaking the soul?

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang at the same time as he agreed. Others are not suitable for mentioning at present, so naturally there is only this point.

Baili Hongzhuang naturally understood that her polite smile was entirely a guest gesture.

Han Junxian looked at Baili Hongzhuang, then looked at Qi Xiangtian, and said, "Lady Lan, you must have worked hard to come here today. Why should I arrange for you to take a rest?"

These few of them are their own people, some things are not easy to speak in front of Baili Hongzhuang.

In case this accidentally goes wrong, they are not people inside and outside.

At this moment, both Baili Hongzhuang and Qi Xiangtian realized that the three of them were together, saying that these were indeed inappropriate.

It would be better to separate first, if you really want to confront, then look for opportunities.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded and said, "Okay."

At this moment, both Baili Hongzhuang and Qi Xiangtian realized that the three of them were together, saying that these were indeed inappropriate.

It would be better to separate first, if you really want to confront, then look for opportunities.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded and said, "Okay."

At this moment, both Baili Hongzhuang and Qi Xiangtian realized that the three of them were together, saying that these were indeed inappropriate.

It would be better to separate first, if you really want to confront, then look for opportunities.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded and said, "Okay."

It would be better to separate first, if you really want to confront, then look for opportunities.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded and said, "Okay.

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