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After Han Chenyang saw the incoming person, Jun's face was suddenly stained with a cold color, it was the kind of momentary coldness that was almost unconcealed.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the person in front of him suspiciously. This person also looked gentle, except that Han Chenyang looked more sunny in comparison.

She doesn't know anything about Han Chenyang's family affairs, but judging from his expression at the moment, the relationship between the two brothers is probably not good.

"Brother, it's a coincidence that you came here!"

Han Chenyang opened his mouth without a smile, and when he said the word "coincidentally", his voice was accentuated, which obviously meant something.

However, the visitor did not seem to have heard the meaning of his words at all, with a free smile on his face.

"It's a coincidence indeed.

The second brother is running around all day long. As the elder brother, if I don't see you when you come back, I am afraid it will be difficult to see you. "

Han Chenyang chuckled, with a look of disapproval.

The man's gaze first fell on both Qi and Rong, and finally on Baili Hongzhuang's body, showing a little curiosity.

"This is the blue girl who is very famous recently?"

Han Chenyang did not answer, and when Qi Xiangtian and others on the side saw the man, their expressions were also a little complicated.

The few people in the house seemed to have reached a weird tacit understanding, but Baili Hongzhuang, who did not understand the situation, was not very clear about what was going on.

However, in this case, their relationship is obviously not good.

Han Chenyang is obviously the second son, but he is the young master of Broken Soul. This elder brother can know that he must be dissatisfied without thinking, but he just can't compete with him.

"Girl Lan, I'm Han Chenyang's eldest brother Han Linchen."

"It turned out to be Young Master Han." Baili Hongzhuang smiled lightly.

"Long admired the name, I really deserved it when I saw it today."

Han Linchen smiled warmly, his gentle appearance seemed to narrow the distance inadvertently.

I have to say that this is a person who does not seem to be repellent.

Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Logically speaking, such Han Linchen shouldn't be annoying. What happened to make him so unpleasant here?

"Miss Blue, you are already tired from the journey, I will send you to rest first."

Han Chenyang looked at Baili Hongzhuang, his attitude was very obvious, obviously he didn't want Baili Hongzhuang to continue talking with Han Linchen.

"it is good."

However, just when the two were about to leave, Han Linchen spoke again.

"Second brother, I heard that recently everyone is rumoring that you ignored Sister Rong'er for the sake of this blue girl. You have to explain this matter!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the house solidified again.

Han Chenyang turned his head away with a cold face. He stared at Han Linchen with cold eyes, and said, "Big Brother, you have this idea to worry about me, so why don't you spend more time on yourself."

I don't need to bother with my big brother. "

"I am not only bothering for you, but also for the whole soul."

Han Linchen seemed to have been accustomed to Han Chenyang's cold words a long time ago, and he didn't care at all about his rhetoric.

"As the Young Master of Broken Soul, you should do things appropriately."

Hearing, Han Chenyang chuckled slightly, "Daddy hasn't even spoken about this kind of thing, so what are you anxious to say?"

"Chenyang, how do you talk to your big brother?" Han Junxian scolded.

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