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"Presumably you have heard some news about the current situation in the Devil Realm. The contest between the Devil Emperor and the Four Princes is very fierce, and the current situation is very complicated.

Hearing that Han Junxian nodded, he knew this very well.

After all, their people also went to the Demon Realm and brought back such news last time.

For this, they feel helpless.

Originally, just facing the Demon World had already put them under a lot of pressure, but now that the situation in the Demon World is still so turbulent, they are really living in the cracks.

Judging from the current situation of this enchantment, I am afraid that it will not last long.

When the barrier opens, they will be involved in the flames of war, and that is the real trouble.

"Lady Blue is in the camp?"

When Han Junxian heard this, he guessed Baili Hongzhuang's meaning. The reason why he couldn't guarantee it was because he couldn't guarantee who was the final winner in this battle.

But in the same way, this situation also revealed a message that the people Baili Hongzhuang knew in the devil world were not simple.

Not everyone can join in such a confrontation.

Since being able to be one of them, it proves to be really strong, and once they win, sheltering them is not a problem at all.

But on the contrary, once they lose, they may also be greatly affected.

The disaster of extinction may not be impossible.


Baili Hongzhuang nodded and looked at Han Junxian calmly. As for the choice, it depends on his own decision.

"Can I know which camp Miss Blue is in?"

Han Junxian had also heard about the two camps of the Demon Realm before, but their people had just left, and he couldn't stand a firm foothold in the Demon Realm. The news he heard was only the most peripheral news.

As for the specific news, they are obviously not clear at all, but if Lan Yixuan can tell him the situation clearly, then perhaps a decision can also be made.

"Devil Emperor."

When Baili Hongzhuang said these two words, his eyes filled with bright light.

Hearing the word Devil Emperor, Han Junxian was shocked. This word is really deterrent.

They can't even match the strength of an ordinary cultivator in the Demon Realm, and Baili Hongzhuang is already in the camp of the Demon Emperor.

Even if it is not clear which power she belongs to under the demon emperor's command, this alone is enough for them to determine a lot of things.

Han Junxian fell into deep thought. He had heard the rumors of the Devil Emperor before.

Even if they have never been in contact with this plane, it is impossible for the Demon Realm to know this mythical demon emperor.

Because there are too many mythological colors in him.

He is like the **** of the demon world, an existence that no one can shake.

Even though he has not returned to the Demon World for so many years, his influence in the Demon World is still unmatched.

Between the Devil Emperor and the Fourth Prince, he actually believed in the Devil Emperor even more.

Because the two words "devil emperor" alone have proved his terrifying and powerful.

"Lady Blue, I beg you!" Han Junxian bowed deeply to Baili Hongzhuang, his expression was earnest, "As long as you can help protect our souls after you go to the devil world, whether you need us to do it now Whatever, we will do our best."

All this is the best opportunity God has brought before him.

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