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Seeing that Han Junxian made a choice after hearing that he was on the side of the Devil Emperor, Baili Hongzhuang's mood improved a bit.

Rao can't help much now, and still hopes that everyone can stand on Beichen's side.

"I will do my best."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, now that everything is basically set, only after the two-month period arrives, two forces will help him, and his chances of entering the demon world will be greatly improved.

Han Chenyang was also relieved when he saw this, his father finally believed it.

"Miss Blue, there is no problem with your trip to Thorns City. Your friends can stay in Broken Soul after they come. We promise to take care of them."

Han Junxian smiled sincerely, they must grasp such a good opportunity.

Similarly, they can't just let Lan Yixuan do so much for them, they have to do their best to do what they can.

"Then thank you Sect Master Han."

Baili Hongzhuang's heart was also a little more peaceful, Han Chenyang had already agreed to her this matter before, but with Sect Master Han's promise, things were more appropriate.

"This is what we should do." Han Junxian looked serious, "If there is anything else we need to do for Miss Lan, it's okay to say."

"As long as you ordered, we will do our best."

"it is good."

Baili Hongzhuang's first lightened, the current situation in Mingyao City was really dangerous, she had to bring Ziran and them to a safe place first.


After Qi Xiangtian returned to Chiyue Palace, he immediately went to see Qi Rong. If such a big thing happened, there must be an explanation.

It's just that Qi Rong didn't return to Scarlet Moon Palace immediately after leaving Broken Soul, but went to his own residence.

After Qi Xiangtian heard the news, he planned to send someone to retrieve him, but after thinking about it, he decided to go personally.

This girl hasn't been busy lately, but she still stays out every day, and now she doesn't tell him about such a big thing!

"Rong Er, what's wrong with you?"

Ju Yingyi saw Qi Rong's frustrated look, and Junyi's gentle face also showed concern, and asked gently.

When Qi Rong saw Ju Yingyi, her mood was even more complicated.

The reason why this happened to me today is actually all because of him.

It's just that, facing his caring and inquiring look at this moment, she couldn't say these words at all.

In fact, she really couldn't understand why Chenyang was absolutely decisive, and why she was reluctant to give in at all for a problem that could be solved with a little more time.

This put her into a dilemma, and even made a direct choice, she felt too uncomfortable.

Ju Yingyi noticed Qi Rong's red eyes, and suddenly became nervous.

"Have you cried?"

"No, no."

Qi Rong lowered his head, not wanting him to see his eyes.

However, how could Ju Yingyi let her cover up like this?

He took Qi Rong's hand and stared into her eyes carefully, still with tears.

"You have already cried, why didn't you admit it?"

Ju Yingyi's face was full of anger, "Didn't you go to the Han's house today? Could it be that Han Chenyang made you cry?"

Rao didn't know what was going on, Ju Yingyi had guessed the whole thing with just a slight association, and the color of anger on his face became thicker.

"Why should he treat you this way? Didn't you say that he has always treated you very well?"

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