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Although it has not yet expanded to the city, it is busy fighting every day and the situation is very tense.

In the past, there were frequent fights on the battlefield, but there was more temptation between the two sides, and the fighting was not as constant as it is now.

Even if there are constant backups, Xianyu's side is the same, so this battle is getting more and more fierce, and the opponent did not show a weak state.

Seeing the color of hope in the man's eyes, Baili Hongzhuang also understood that the current situation in Thorns City might not be very optimistic.

In the eyes of the cultivators of the Demon Realm, Zhouli City is undoubtedly their holy land.

The strong there are like clouds, and the problems that cannot be solved here, if the strong in the main city of Lizhu City are still willing, they can easily help them solve the problem.

"I'll check the situation first." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Hearing, the man's face also showed a smile, and he kept saying: "It's good that the messenger comes."

Baili Hongzhuang showed the token handed to him by Chiyue Palace, and the man was even more convinced when he saw the token.

He also understood that this teleportation formation was in the hands of the Scarlet Moon Palace in the main city of Zhouli. Without the permission of the Scarlet Moon Palace, it would be impossible to return here through the teleportation formation.

"I'll take you to see the city lord!"

The man smiled and motioned to Baili Hongzhuang to walk forward with him.

Baili Hongzhuang had originally planned to leave directly, but at this moment, seeing the man eagerly lead him to see the city lord, his expression became very complicated.

You know... the son of the city lord died in her hands.

At the beginning, she left under the chase of this city lord, and no one in the Demon Region knew her, and she did not change her face.

Even if some time has passed, people in this City Lord's Mansion will definitely be able to recognize her when they see her.

She didn't plan to go, just wanted to go directly into the monster battlefield and find Ziran and them earlier.

However, the next situation was somewhat beyond her expectations, because she suddenly discovered that this teleportation array was not far from the city lord's mansion.

Not only that, the energy fluctuations here seemed to have alarmed them a long time ago, but it was just a short period of time that many people had arrived.

The city lord and the elders rushed over as soon as they heard the news. After so long, there hasn't been any fluctuations in the teleportation array.

In fact, they also knew in their hearts that a small city like Thorns City was nothing to a huge force like Scarlet Moon Palace.

Even if they were under the jurisdiction of Scarlet Moon Palace, the other party didn't mean to care about them at all, and had always let them fend for themselves.

Now that the war broke out, they had also hoped that Scarlet Moon Palace could send some masters to come, because the pressure was too great.

The battle on the battlefield was extremely fierce. They wanted to enter the fairyland, and the fairyland wanted to enter the demon region, and the two sides did not give in.

They broke through the demon domain's defense several times, but they were eventually blocked, and similarly, they were almost rushed in by the people of the fairy domain.

In this situation, the strength of the two sides is equal, and it is too difficult to defeat the other.

But now, the people of Scarlet Moon Palace finally came.

The city lord and others rushed over happily, but when they saw only one person came, they were a little disappointed.

But on second thought, a person is not without help.

After all, in such a battle, if a super master comes, it will be of great help to them.

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