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However, when the city lord and others saw who the visitor was, their expression suddenly became weird.

This girl...isn't the woman who killed her son?

Although he hadn't seen this girl with his own eyes, many people had seen her in the city lord's mansion.

At that time, the artist had already painted her appearance, it was obviously this girl!


The city lord looked at Baili Hongzhuang angrily. He was the only son who had died in the hands of this woman!

Now that this woman even dared to pretend to be a person from the Scarlet Moon Palace, it was absolutely hateful!

"City Lord, this is Lord Envoy."

The man in charge of the guard didn't know this at all, so he was immersed in the great news that Scarlet Moon Palace had finally sent a waiter.

When he noticed the expression of the city lord's gritted teeth, as if wishing to kill Baili Hongzhuang, a suspicious color filled his eyes.

"City Lord, what's wrong with you?"

The city owner obviously did not answer his thoughts, his eyes were locked on Baili Hongzhuang, and his eyes were burning with anger.

"How dare you pretend to be a messenger? I think you are really looking for death!"

He suddenly thought that before Baili Hongzhuang had disappeared out of thin air, everyone couldn't find her, could it be that he had entered the teleportation array directly?

If this is the case, then all these things will also make sense!

"Come on, take her down for me!"

The city lord waved his hand, not saying that he lost his beloved son, because then he could not find Baili Hongzhuang, making him like a joke.

This time I finally caught this woman, and everything can be explained.


Baili Hongzhuang chuckled and raised the token in his hand.

"You try it again?"

The token appeared so brightly in Baili Hongzhuang's hands. The city lord didn't believe that she had a token at all. He just glanced at it casually, only to find that familiar token, the cousin instantly solidified.

"how can that be?"

As the lord of Thorns City, he naturally knew what this token looked like.

The thing in the girl's hand in front of me is amazing!

Few people in the entire Bramble City knew what this token looked like, and it was basically impossible to imitate it. If the girl in her hands was real, that would be great.

"Keep your dog eyes open and see clearly!"

"City Lord, this token seems to be real..." the elder on the side whispered.

The face of the city lord became very ugly. No matter how you think about it, I think it can't be true, but when I look closely, it seems that it is indeed the same thing.

Because besides that, I really can't think of other possibilities.

"Are you really the Envoy?" The city lord said with an iron face.

He finally saw his enemy and was thinking about revenge for his son. He didn't expect that the other party would have such an identity. Isn't there no hope of revenge at all?

Not to mention revenge, if this girl wanted to kill him, it would be easy!

damn it!

How could this be?

"I am not, who is?" Baili Hongzhuang asked with a chuckle, "Do you want to avenge your son?"

The city lord fell silent, if the girl in front of him was really, then what revenge would he talk about?

"Your son took me to the City Lord's Mansion. Isn't it right to lose my life in the end?"

Baili Hongzhuang sneered, "I think there are many people who want you to be the lord of the city. Why don't you abdicate to be a virtuous person!"

As soon as he said this, the city lord's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with surprise.

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