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After hearing these words, the expressions of the others in the room also became complicated. Who doesn't want the position of City Lord?

However, during the reign of the city lord, there was no problem, so this seat has always been stable.

However, now that the Envoy came to say something like this, if this was the meaning of Scarlet Moon Palace, then the city lord would have come to an end.

After hearing this, the city lord couldn't help but panic. His son was dead, and even if he was unhappy about this matter these days, his mood has gradually calmed down.

The seat of this city lord is how long it took him to sit down. If this woman can really lose his seat, it will definitely not work.

Looking at the shining token in front of him, even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that it did not look like a fake.

If it is true... then Scarlet Moon Palace wants to remove his identity, it is too simple.

"Girl, since you are the messenger of Scarlet Moon Palace, why did you appear in Thorns City before?

If I remember correctly, the teleportation array did not seem to fluctuate. "

The city owner still had a bit of suspicion in his eyes. Although it had been a long time since no one came in this teleportation formation, because the Scarlet Moon Palace was very powerful in their eyes, they had never ignored this place.

Whenever there is energy fluctuation, they will receive it as soon as possible, and it is impossible to ignore it.

"I haven't heard of a private visit to Weifu?" Baili Hongzhuang asked back, "I happened to come here so I just came to have a look. I didn't expect that your son, the lord of the city, directly gave me a gift!"

The corners of the woman's lips rose slightly, and her delicate and flawless face outlined a playful smile, revealing a little sarcasm and banter.

That appearance... is clearly full of confidence!

If the city lord had doubted Baili Hongzhuang before, after seeing her emboldened appearance at this moment, the doubt in his heart could not help but dissipate.

If all of this is fake, he doesn't believe that this girl can have such a heaven-defying ability, not only can appear in this teleportation array, but can also come out with tokens.

When that remark came out, it clearly felt a little guilty, and he knew it couldn't be false.

My stupid son really did the stupidest thing!

I think he felt that something was wrong when he saw this girl who was so beautiful. When he saw the portrait of the painter, the feeling in his heart became stronger.

Such a beautiful girl is not like a person from their Thorns City at all.

If Thorns City had such a beauty, it would already be famous.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. If he encounters this kind of thing, he will definitely not be fooled, but it is a pity that his son is superficial and does not realize it.

"Girl, the previous things have been offensive, and my son is dead. I wonder if you can grow up a lot and forgive my mistakes?"

The city lord changed his attitude almost instantly, and now everything has settled, nothing is more important than his position.

"The girl may be considerate of my feelings about being a father, but I also understand that this is the fault of my rebellious son, so I am really sorry."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the city lord indifferently, she was indeed a character who could bend and stretch, and the speed of this face change was really fast.

She understood that from the perspective of the city lord, it was normal to do so, but the son himself was not a good thing, and it should have been such a result.


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