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It was only a short time since they knew the plan of Thorns City until the army had been killed, and it would take more time for the director to find support.

It's just that the dean and them have not yet come back, and the army is already under pressure. They even have fewer top players, and the pressure is undoubtedly greater.

The mentors and cultivators who were not clear about the situation saw the sudden arrival of so many people, and almost all of them were crushed in terms of number and strength. Everyone’s hearts sank, and they only felt that the end was coming. .

On weekdays, the two sides often played against each other, each with their own victories and defeats, and everyone was accustomed to it, but at this moment they can clearly feel that today is different.

The pressure of the army this time is different from the past, whether it is from the momentum or from other aspects, there is a feeling of the last battle.

"It's over, Thorns City is here prepared this time, and there are many more people than before!"

"What can we do? We are not opponents at all!"

"Or let's run!"

Everyone looked worried, the strength gap between the two parties was too big, and staying here was almost waiting for death.

In the past, the strength of the two sides was similar, they could continue to stick to it, but under such a huge disparity, there was no possibility of winning at all, instead they would die directly.

Jian Huansha and others noticed the emotional changes of other people. When the large team of Thorns City came over, everyone had a retreat, and their expressions suddenly became more solemn.

This situation did not exceed their expectations, in fact, after this happened, everyone's first reaction must be like this.

However, they themselves have no retreat.

They can't leg.

Once retired, it means that Mingyao City is about to fall.

If you want to drive these people from Thorns City out of Mingyao City, the possibility becomes very small, and you will never be able to return to the original situation.

Baili Hongzhuang also heard the conversations around, but she and Granny Hua's drug addiction is about to be done. At this time, there is no distraction. Presumably, with the dean's ability, it should not be a problem to persuade these people. .

"Don't worry, everyone!"

At this time, Ren Qi's voice resounded, and it clearly spread to everyone's ears.

After the others on the scene heard this, they felt a little relieved, but the tension between the expressions still did not dissipate.

"The principal has gone to find reinforcements and will be back soon. We only need to wait a moment."

Hearing, everyone felt a little relieved, but the worry in their hearts was still strong.

"The principal went to find reinforcements. If we can find reinforcements, then we won't have been so hard these days."

"Yeah, those guys in Ming Yaocheng who are all about themselves are actually not a good thing. Why don't we just retreat and let them face such a storm? Why let us bear them for them!"

There are still many people complaining about this kind of sentiment on weekdays, because the reaction of the guys I wrote is so unpleasant, and anyone who mentions them will inevitably hold back a fire.

At this moment of life-threatening, emotions exploded to the climax.

Are they here to guard against death, just to make those guys happy?

Jian Huansha's expression became tense and solemn after noticing everyone's eruption.

"No, I definitely can't let everyone continue to talk about this mood, otherwise, once they are fully exaggerated, even if they really find reinforcements, I am afraid they will be no match for them."

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