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On the battlefield, morale plays a huge role.

As long as the morale is there, even if they are slightly in, they can still win.

On the contrary, even if they are in an advantage, they will lose this game.

"We will win, and reinforcements will definitely come!" Jian Huansha shouted, "Don't worry, everyone, the principal will come with reinforcements soon, as long as we persist for a while!"

However, Jian Huansha's remarks did not have much effect.

The crowd still looked disappointed. For the principal's reinforcements, they might be able to recruit some people, but they didn't expect this number of people.

Because they have known all this for so long.

Under such circumstances, there is no way to make up for the power gap between the two sides, and it is almost certain that they will lose.

Jian Huansha also noticed that this kind of rhetoric was meaningless to everyone. Seeing the army's distraction, everyone had already sprouted the idea of ​​leaving, and they couldn't help but feel more anxious.

At this moment, Baili Hongzhuang's determined man's voice rang.

"I know everyone is dissatisfied with this, but what is the purpose of your stay here?

Don’t you stay here because you are different from those guys?

You have the entire fairyland in your heart, and you want to protect this land, not as selfish as those guys.

If you choose to give up like this today, what is the difference from those guys? "

These words were not polite, they didn't mean the slightest comfort, and even questioned them.

However, it happened that these words stopped everyone who had originally wanted to leave.

Yes, the reason why they have persisted to this day is because they feel that they are different from those guys.

If they retreat today, although the more reason is that they don't want those guys to have a birthday, they themselves will be reduced to the same people as those guys.

These days, each of them has struggled at this point, and it is precisely because of this that they have insisted on not leaving.

"We have always hated the people of Thorns City, but we have to say that their unity in this regard is much better than ours in Mingyao City.

If even we choose to give up, then everyone can think of what the final situation will be. "

At this moment, everyone fell into silence, and these words hit the biggest point in their hearts.

They also feel that there is not much difference in the strength between the two cities. The only difference is that one party is united and cooperating, while the other is like scattered sand.

Otherwise, if they could be as united as Thorns City, how could they persist in such a difficult way?

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang's opening, Jian Huansha and the others directly shocked everyone present, and a strange color appeared in their eyes, more of a surprise.

At least, the people at the moment can't just retreat like this, once they retreat, then Mingyao City will definitely be unable to defend.

"The principal is working hard. None of us want to give up. A miracle may not happen."

At this time, Ren Qi's voice also rang.

Hong Zhuang's return this time gave them great hope. As long as they had the opportunity to set up barriers, they would be spared the trouble of fighting temporarily.

How can they give up when they are only one line behind?

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