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Listening to Bo Lu's words, the two who were fighting with the blood fog green horns couldn't help but stared at the battle circle not far away subconsciously.

There are actually so many top cultivators in the entire Bramble City. The two of them have always been in charge of the team. Now let them deal with a monster.

If at such a time, we call other people to help Bailu deal with this terrifying kid, then they will undoubtedly fall into a disadvantage in this top combat circle.

"Hurry up!"

Bai Lu was beaten back by Baili Hongzhuang and couldn't help but shouted.

These two wastes don't know what they are thinking at this time!

"Continue to drag on, once I die, do you think anyone can check and balance this guy?"

Seeing that the two of them still hadn't spoken, Bai Lu couldn't help roaring.

He didn't want to admit that he was not Baili Hongzhuang's opponent in front of so many people, but there was no other way in this situation.

As long as you can win and master this secret technique, what is it to lose face at this moment?

"You are really embarrassing, it's so natural to find a helper!"

Baili Hongzhuang's mouth was mocking, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all. The dashing attack formed a clear contrast with the casual mockery in his mouth.

"Aren't you a master that the City Lord of Thorns brought in with great effort? You are so embarrassed to be so capable!"

Bai Lu listened to Baili Hongzhuang's unceremonious words, he already felt that this incident made him feel very embarrassed, and now he heard these words, no matter how peaceful his mind was, he could not hold back. My heart is angry.

"Don't think that if you are a little stronger, you can have such a high self-esteem, this result is not necessarily!"

"Oh, even your strength is ashamed to get angry?"

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, "At any rate, he is also a nobleman in Thorny City. Why do these people listen to the two of them, but not to you?"

Baili Hongzhuang was really not at all polite when she spoke. How did she sound harsh to Boru?

Sure enough, after talking for a while, Bai Lu was completely angry.

"Are you coming or not? I will leave if I don't come!"

The problem that this kid said is what he is most unhappy about right now, he is shockingly unable to move these guys, it is too much!

Seeing that Bai Lu even said such things, the two also realized that if things continue like this, it will be troublesome.

Bai Lu is here, although he is not Baili Hongzhuang's opponent, at least he can delay her without affecting the whole battle.

But once Bailu left, no one in their presence could stop him!

"Come on and help!"

Listening to what the two said, hesitation appeared in the eyes of the others who were fighting each other.

It's not that they didn't hear what Bailu said before, but they had already seen how terrifying Baili Hongzhuang's strength was before.

Previously, one of their team was shot dead by Baili Hongzhuang!

That kind of effect is really shocking, no one dared to get too close to her, for fear that he would follow in his footsteps accidentally.

At this moment, they are going to face this guy again, even if there is Berlu, the possibility of this fall is still great!

After all, she was just a matter of a casual move against them!

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