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No matter how hesitated the others, there was no other choice at this time.

Therefore, after this moment of hesitation, two of them appeared beside Bo Lu.

Bai Lu looked at the two people beside him, a flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Given this situation, how could he not see what these two people were thinking? Obviously, no one wants to help!

These guys in Thorns City really deserve it if they lose!

Baili Hongzhuang didn't care if the gang came or not, she accelerated her speed and directly attacked Bailu.

Among all these people, Bai Lu is the most difficult to deal with. As long as Bai Lu is solved, the others will join hands, which is not a big problem for her.

I saw Baili Hongzhuang’s offensive getting more and more fierce, and all his moves were directly killing people. From the initial support, Bolu couldn’t continue to support it, and his eyes couldn’t help but be filled with panic. color.

He stepped back, avoiding Baili Hongzhuang's onslaught with difficulty, until the helper on the side appeared, he relieved a bit of pressure.

The people at Mingyao College originally only hoped that Baili Hongzhuang could counterbalance Bo Lu, which was already a great help to their hungry faces, but they didn't expect this situation to be far worse than they thought.

Baili Hongzhuang is just one person, and has already checked and balanced five people.

This immediately filled the vacancy where the principal was not here, and even vacated them.

Shangguan Yingying looked at the scene in front of him, marveling at the same time and couldn't help but exclaim: "If Beichen was here too, it would be great, then the situation will probably get better."

Hongzhuang alone is enough to resist five people, Beichen's strength is stronger, two people standing together, this can almost directly knock these top powerhouses in Mingyao City!

As soon as this remark came out, Wen Ziran and others all sighed, if Bei Chen was here, everyone would be more relaxed.

"Don't think so much, seize the present opportunity, miss this opportunity, and then want to kill the opponent, it will be even more difficult."

Baili Yanche reminded everyone that how long the monster beast could be summoned was something they couldn't determine.

They have to take advantage of this opportunity to expand the superiority of the upper battle circle!

Since Baili Yanche turned into a monster beast in front of everyone last time, he has simply turned into a monster beast at this time without any need to cover it up.

Ling'er was also fearless. Many people were shocked because they had never seen it before. After that, no one talked about it again.

The last time she walked in the college, someone even came to apologize to her for her bad attitude that day.

Now that everyone at Mingyao College is united, there is no need to worry about such small issues.

After all, he is not a human race, this is a fact, not a slander.

As for other people, they can accept it when they are hungry and thin, but they can't accept it. Anyway, there is no relationship between them.

Rao Baili Hongzhuang has the upper hand, but the large army has been completely suppressed and kept retreating.

Under this huge disparity in the number of people, the opponent is two-to-one or even three-to-one, and there is no difference in the strength of the two sides. At this moment, when they collide together, there is undoubtedly a dead end.

People continued to fall down, the smell of blood spread, and the battlefield was infected with a terrible breath.

"The principal, did they come, go down and help with two people first!"

Jian Huansha realized the critical situation of this situation and quickly made a decision.

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