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"Help! I can't stand it anymore!"

The screams of the students of Mingyao College sounded, and the swords here were eyeless and murderous.

This tragic degree is far more terrifying than the battle circle where Jian Huansha and others are located. Among such a large number of people, the display of strength is also restricted, and there are attacks on all sides.

As long as you get a little distraction and don't notice the problem, your life won't be saved.

The possibility of retreating safely in this environment after injury is very small, or even impossible.

Listening to the wailing below, the hearts of Baili Hongzhuang and others couldn't help but tighten. However, their current situation is indeed unable to help.

"The principal is here!"

At this moment, a voice filled with joy came over. When everyone heard the words, they only felt energetic, as if they had finally seen hope!

"The principal is finally here."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief quietly, as long as he had reinforcements, their situation would improve a lot.

When Zhou Chengde first arrived, he had already noticed that the situation was not so good. The strong smell of blood spreading in the air and the front line suppressed so far have shown how they are at a disadvantage in this battle. .

This is simply an absolute disadvantage!

Compared with everyone's joyful gaze, Zhou Chengde had a solemn expression.

He and Zhong Li Xiaoran went to recruit people together, but the situation was not as good as imagined.

Although many people came to help after hearing him say that the situation was very critical, more people seemed to not believe his words at all.

It seems that the situation he said is not serious at all. They used to say that the situation in the monster battlefield is very critical, and I hope everyone can come and help.

Perhaps it was said more often, like the story of the wolf coming. Everyone seems to have become accustomed to it and would not take this matter to heart.

This feeling made him very helpless, but there was no way to convince these people.

Fortunately, Zhong Li Xiaoran's influence was not small. As he spoke, many people believed in the matter, and many participated in it.

As the principal of Mingyao Academy, his influence in Mingyao City is still not small. Who would have thought that because of the monster battlefield, he has now fallen to this level.

In fact, everything is just as other students said.

Because of those selfish guys in Ming Yaocheng, he also wanted to ignore all this.

They still don't believe how tragic the situation here is, and they always think that this kind of thing should be done by others, as if others do everything as they should.

He felt very unhappy!

It's just that every time he came up with this idea, he remembered what he said when he became the principal of Mingyao College.

He couldn't help but watch Mingyao Academy fall in this way, and he couldn't completely let go of this responsibility. He always had to bear the things he should bear.

However, at this moment, facing everyone's hopeful eyes when they were on the verge of despair, there was only shame in his eyes.

He is ashamed of everyone who fought here.

Zhong Li Xiaoran looked at the scene in front of him with a very complicated expression.

I have heard of these before, but when I saw it in person, it was another shock.

He appeared on the monster battlefield when he was repairing the enchantment. Although there is a battle between the two sides, the scene is undoubtedly completely different from the scene before him.

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