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After seeing this scene, the eyes of other cultivators who arrived behind the two were filled with wonder.

Before, many people have heard Mingyao College talk about the situation here, but more people did not take it to heart, just think this is not a big deal.

However, the scene in front of me is really shocking.

Such tragic scenes are rare occurrences in Xianyu.

The large-scale battles that took place in Xianyu on weekdays were often just clashes between two families or two forces.

This kind of confrontation is very fierce, and the scope is not small, and it can often be known to everyone in a city.

However, the current situation should not be described as fierce at all, but tragic!

Such a tragedy is beyond everyone's cognition!

There are also some with a playful attitude to see what is going on.

After all, the people at Mingyao College are talking about how dangerous the situation here is, and they are almost unable to sustain it.

But this said that he could not hold on any longer, and it was as usual after so long, as if it was not as serious as they said.

Only now did they understand that Zhou Chengde's words were not exaggerated at all, and the situation here is really critical.

It turns out that there are so many cultivators in the Demon Realm, and the number is beyond their imagination.

"This battle is so terrible?"

They always thought that it was just a trivial matter, even if this problem appeared in other places, everyone had always had a great sense of superiority in the fairyland where they were.

None of them will have other planes stronger than them, until this moment...

The cultivators of Mingyao Academy were clearly suppressed and almost unable to hold on. Everyone felt scalp numb when they thought that once these guys rushed into the fairyland.

That situation is obviously completely different from the current environment.

Mingyao City is bound to fall into chaos, and until then, the situation will be really troublesome.

"I always thought that the situation was not serious, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

Some cultivators realized at this moment just how serious they made a mistake. Things that had been thought to be indifferent before, never thought they had already developed to such a point.

Right now it was clear that it was about to be unstoppable. When these guys entered Mingyao City, everyone would not have the leisurely days they had before.

"Damn, I have to tell everyone about this, if this is not stopped, what will I do in the future?"

A lot of people were anxious when they came, which was very different from the previous look that was not serious when talking and laughing.

Some people think that such a situation is not serious.

Everyone who had been fighting had also noticed how many people the Dean and Zhong Li Xiaoran had brought.

More than a hundred people.

These people would seem to think that there are not many people in normal days, but in such an environment, facing the terrible army pressure of Thorns City, these more than one hundred people are like a joke, and they have no effect at all.

Zhong Li Xiaoran felt very helpless in this situation, and he also didn't know what these guys in Ming Yaocheng thought.

Thinking that when he left Xianyu to go to Xianqi Forest, he felt that there was still a fire in everyone's heart.

Now that the people from their Mingwen Master Guild are here, but the others are still unmoved, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

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