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From the reactions of other people, it can be seen that some of the cultivators felt that this matter was not as serious as Mingyao Academy said from the beginning to the end, and did not take it seriously.

After all, Xianyu has always been composed of various forces, and there is no force to draw them together.

This is fundamentally different from the situation in Thorns City.

From the situation here, it can be seen that the situation of other cities is not much better, and everyone's ideas are almost the same.

Even if Mingyao City is saved this time, other cities are in this same environment, and sooner or later they will fall.

Once they fall, they can only say that Mingyao City will not be affected for the time being, but the final situation can still be expected.

Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

The end result is obvious.

Baili Hongzhuang was paying attention to the situation below, frowning tightly, this is no way to continue.

There was hope to kill Bo Lu, but now that he finds two helpers, and then deal with it, it is much more difficult to kill him.

The original speed of his escape was not slow, and there were two helpers on the side to help him block a moment at the critical moment, which was enough for him to take the opportunity to escape.

She could also see that Bai Lu had no intention of killing her at all, and was completely holding her back.

In fact, Bo Lu is very helpless now.

He was originally interested in killing the stinky boy in front of him, who would have thought that the strength of this guy is really not that strong.

He didn't understand how this kid was so strong in battle, he found someone to join hands, but he still couldn't get close to her.

After playing this for so long, he suffered a lot of injuries, but the guy on the opposite side was unscathed.

With three hits and one hit like this, he was completely ruined.

With so many people here today, this news will surely spread to everyone, my own face...

Rao is extremely depressed about this in his heart, but he can't just give up like this.

After all, I had promised the city lord of Thorns before, even if this kid couldn't be killed, at least she couldn't let her influence the whole battle!


Baili Hongzhuang sighed in his heart, Yuan Bin was just a drop in the bucket, and he almost couldn't splash any splash in this battle.

"Browlu, after fighting for so long, neither of you nor me can do nothing. Why don't you rest for a while?"

Baili suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Bo Lu on the opposite side. This guy's expression was impressively tired.

Hearing that, Bolu couldn't help but was taken aback, his eyes filled with a thick color of astonishment.

Not only him, but the two on the side could not help being dumbfounded.

The two sides have fought for so long, and I have never heard of being able to rest halfway when the war breaks out. Isn't it too strange?

"What are you thinking about?"

Bai Lu looked at Baili Hongzhuang suspiciously. He now knew that this kid was not that simple. Suddenly he made such a proposal. Maybe he thought of something bad!

"I didn't have any ideas, I was just a little tired."

Baili Hongzhuang spread his hands out, "Our current situation is obvious, that is, no one can do anything about it. Isn't that a waste of effort?

It is better for us to stop, but no one can join the battle.

If you find out who has done it, and the other party comes over quickly, it is too late. What do you think? "

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