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Red makeup!

Among them, only Hongzhuang can do this!

It's just that the previous battle was too chaotic, and everyone gathered together.

Except when Baili Hongzhuang just quit the battle, many people were paying attention to her situation, but no one paid attention to it.

At this moment, they realized that they couldn't find the red makeup, which was a bit strange.

Baili Yanche quickly found Baili Hongzhuang, and suddenly realized that she was hiding in a very hidden corner, and no one noticed her at all.

At this moment, her hands were still forming seals, and the dark power in her body continued to spread out.

They all understood the moment they saw this scene.

"It's really red makeup!"

Shangguan Yingying showed a comfortable smile, and the whole person was relieved, the original tense emotion was let go at this moment.

"Sure enough, there is red makeup, no situation can be called a desperate situation!"

Because, until the last moment, I never know if Hongzhuang will have other tricks.

At this moment, the thick line of the skeleton army is simply rainy in time!

"President, don't run away!" Wen Ziran shouted loudly.

At first, Ren Qi and others thought this matter was a bit strange, but for a while they didn't figure out where the problem was.

Hearing Wen Ziran's shout at this moment, his footsteps stopped immediately.

The two flew by and came to Wen Ziran and the others.

Before they could ask, they noticed Baili Hongzhuang in front of them.

Seeing her trying to cast spells, and then looking at the skeleton army in front of her, can't you understand what's going on?

"This skeleton Da Kun was summoned by Red Makeup?"

Ren Qi speaks unimaginably, this is too scary!

It was already terrifying to summon a monster beast directly in front of so many people, and it simply gave them a long experience!

However, it is not enough to summon a monster beast. Now even such a terrifying army of skeletons is summoned. Is this too strong?

This is absolutely non-human!

Shangguan Yingying nodded, "Red makeup is really amazing."

Regarding this, everyone nodded in agreement. Who can refute it?

This is terrible beyond their cognition!

"The presence of these skeletons can help us relieve a lot of pressure, and now there is no need to continue to escape?"

Shangguan Yingying's eyes lit up. This is their best news so far.

"The strength of these skeletons summoned by Hong Zhuang is not inferior to ordinary cultivators. They can be used as our reinforcements!"

Wen Ziran was in high spirits. It was because of lack of manpower that they were completely suppressed by the opponent and could only choose to escape.

But now that there are helpers, they are not at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, which means that the situation has once again turned for the better!

"Not only that, these skeletons are not exhausted and will not die. They are equivalent to a team that will not fall, stronger than an ordinary cultivator team!"

Ren Qi's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Who would have thought that one day they would have the opportunity to fight with the skeleton army.

This is really a scene that you can't even dream of, but it happened like this?

Jian Huansha's face is also a look of surprise, this kind of thing is really unheard of.

"How long can the skeleton army summoned by Hong Zhuang last?"

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