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The skeleton army summoned by Baili Hongzhuang is undoubtedly extremely helpful to everyone now, at least it has saved everyone's life and allowed everyone to escape safely.

If this skeleton army can hold on for a longer time and help them deal with the cultivators in the demon realm together, then they still have a chance to stick to it!

Hearing this, Baili Yanche and the others couldn't help but look at Baili Hongzhuang, they actually didn't know this very well.

After all, only Hongzhuang knows these tactics best, and she hasn't seen her perform them much on weekdays.

After Baili Hongzhuang finished casting the spell, he looked at the expectant people behind him, with a small smile on his face, "Don't worry, since the summoning is successful, I won't leave for a while."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes lit up, and their expressions were filled with excitement.

"Then let's not leave."

Ren Qi made a decision immediately and looked at Jian Huansha who was aside, "I'll go to the dean to explain this."

"it is good."

Zhou Chengde also noticed that the monster had begun to attack the people in the demon domain, and he was also a little confused.

What's the situation in Demon Realm?

It's too strange that the secret method that my own person has displayed hurts his own person!

At this moment, Ren Qi had already appeared beside him and told him the news with emotion.

"Principal, this is a great opportunity. Not only will we not lose Mingyao Academy, we may also be able to fight against the generals!"

As long as they can be driven a certain distance away and Hong Zhuang and the others are left with the opportunity to arrange the barrier, then they can be saved from trouble for the time being! "


Zhou Chengde couldn't believe that the people of Xianyu could summon an army of skeletons. This method was really surprising.

"Dean, don't you believe in Hongzhuang?" Ren Qixiao asked.

Zhou Chengde was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh, "Believe, this girl is simply the savior of our academy, who else can she trust if you don't want to believe?"

Regarding this point, everyone agrees very much.

It is precisely because of the emergence of Baili Hongzhuang that this scene has a turning point!

"Everyone stop!"

Zhou Chengde yelled, and everyone who was fleeing heard this and stopped subconsciously.

In fact, many people have noticed the abnormalities of the cultivators in Demon Realm before, and realized that the appearance of the skeleton army did not seem to be their help. At this moment, hearing the words of the principal, they had vaguely guessed his thoughts.

"Continue to fight!"

"The skeleton army is our helper!"

"They will be the strongest striker!"

Zhou Chengde was full of vigor when he said this, and every sentence sounded like a shot in the heart.

The eyes of everyone were filled with a thick color of astonishment, and they couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"We summoned the skeleton army? Is this possible?"

"The principal cannot lie to us about this kind of thing, it must be true!"

"There is such a strong one among us? We know the combat effectiveness of the skeleton army very well!"

In such an army of skeletons, there are even some very powerful masters who are stronger than them, without weakness, pain, blind fighting, and even near-immortal existence.

Anyone who finds such helpers in such a battle is a nightmare for the enemy!

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