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"My Lord, it's not good."

"Berlu and the others failed. The offensive suffered heavy casualties and everyone escaped."

As soon as these words came out, the city lord's expression changed, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"My lord, what I said is true. Everyone ran back. Bolu is not the opponent of the other party. He just ran away now!"


The city lord waved the teacup beside him to the ground, his face was full of anger.

"I sent so many people over, and the people in Mingyao City had already been suppressed by us before they could not lift their heads.

This time it was just a powerful character. How could it be possible to suppress so many people? "

He has already taken all the circumstances into account and determined that the opponent will definitely not be an opponent this time, so he will sit back and relax here waiting for the good news.

However, now he is told that all these plans have failed, how is it possible?

"The other party has summoned an army of skeletons, and those armies of skeletons have amazing combat power. Our people are not opponents."

"The skeleton army?"

The city lord was stunned. Even the cultivators of their demon realm couldn't master such a method. It was amazing that a cultivator of the fairy realm could master it.

"What you said is true?"

"Really! It is true! Your lord, go out and have a look!"

The city lord couldn't take care of other things immediately, and he quickly walked out of the city lord's mansion. After seeing the large swath of injured practitioners pouring in, his expression was already ugly.

"Waste! All waste!"

"Where is the Berlu?"

"Peru seems to be the first to come back. He should have gone elsewhere by now."

"Catch him back for me, I will kill him!"


Because the cultivators of Thorns City had been chased by the skeleton army before, and Baili Hongzhuang and others were walking behind here, there was no need to worry about danger.

Baili Hongzhuang took out the clothes of Demon Domain, which she had already prepared when she came.

There is still a certain difference between Xianyu's clothes and Demonyu's clothes, even if they are dressed in black, it can be seen.

"You change your clothes first, so that the cultivators who run into the Demon Realm will not be recognized."

Everyone changed their clothes one after another, and Baili Hongzhuang no longer changed her appearance, and restored her original appearance.

"Now all the cultivators in the demon realm have rushed back, and no one will notice our presence. We will just go to the teleportation array.

After arriving in the main city of Zhouli, I have already arranged your stay, so you can live there with peace of mind. "

Originally, she wanted to let everyone directly enter the Ring of Chaos, but she had already told Han Chenyang that she would bring a few people back, so she would naturally go through the teleportation array.

Otherwise, everyone will show up after they leave the teleportation array. Wouldn't they be discovered the Ring of Chaos?

"Hong Zhuang, I knew you had already arranged everything."

Wen Ziran smiled and red makeup worked, they were always relieved.

"Ling Huyuan, have you learned the language of the Demon Realm?"

She didn't worry about other people, she had told them to learn this language before, and she had naturally learned it now.

Ling Huyuan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I basically know how."

Recently, because I often stayed in the monster battlefield, after deciphering the language of the monster domain from the academy, everyone learned it so that they could understand what they said on the battlefield.

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