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Of course, because the monster battlefield has been fighting, and the fighting has become more and more intense during this time.

Even if the academy intends to hand over the language of this demon domain to them, there is no chance, after all, there is no time.

Neither the college’s tutor nor the students themselves have time.

But in the process of fighting against each other, she herself has learned a lot, and she knows some basic languages.

Baili Hongzhuang already understood the general situation through Linghuyuan's expression, and she also understood the experience of Mingyao Academy during this time.

The reason why Wen Ziran and the others were able to fully grasp it was because they had all studied together before the war on the monster battlefield broke out so fiercely.

After she finished learning, she went directly to the Demon Realm, and Ziran gave the language to some tutors after they learned it.

"No hurry, as long as you know some basic language." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Baili Yanche also said: "For those who don't understand, just ask us."

Linghuyuan nodded, somewhat flattered.

She came with everyone this time, but she was owed in her heart.

Because she is the weakest in this team, and she doesn't even master the language of this demon domain, which seems to be a burden.

However, judging from everyone's reaction, it seems that she didn't dislike her for this, but instead regarded her as her own, which was inevitably flattered.

After everyone changed their clothes, there was no further delay, and they all went to Thorns City at the fastest speed.

This speed slowed down until near the entrance to the battlefield of Thorns City.

Baili Hongzhuang took a closer look and found that the situation was indeed exactly as she had thought. There was no one guarding the battlefield at all, and the scene was chaotic.

Naturally, no one noticed the entry of a few of them, but they entered the Thorns City extremely smoothly.

This is the first time Wen Ziran and others have come to the city of Demon Territory. Looking at the buildings with different styles in front of them, they will inevitably be curious.

However, they didn't look around because of their curiosity. They followed Baili Hongzhuang in a very low-key manner.

In order to avoid being recognized by the cultivators of Thorns City, they also changed their faces.

After all, they have been in the monster battlefield for so long, and they are in charge of the battles of the 6th or 7th rank cultivators on weekdays. They are also acquaintances in the monster battlefield. There are definitely many people in Thorns City who know them.

If it's not easy to dissolve, just walk around here and you will be discovered soon.

A few people entered the city smoothly, and the person who was responsible for guarding the city gate had already given up at this moment.

After all, suddenly so many people all rushed back from the battlefield, how could they have time to inspect one by one.

"It seems that the loss of Thorns City this time is not small."

Wen Ziran's eyes were filled with triumph. He used to see these guys in the monster battlefield, but now he came to Thorns City to see that this messy situation was really happy!

"The City Lord of Thorns must have died of anger."

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, she naturally understood why Thorns City suddenly launched such an offensive this time, in order to gain credit in front of her.

It's just that the City Lord of Thorns will never know that she is a person from Xianyu.

If he fails, she will naturally not help, and if he succeeds, she will not, and will even kill him directly!

It's not bad to leave this mess this time around.

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