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"The chaos in Brambles City has become like this, and Bolu has lost his face at this moment."

Shangguan Yingying had a successful smile in her eyes. How arrogant was Bo Lu before?

Unexpectedly, the last time I ran, I was like a dog in the water, I felt happy to think about it!

Baili Hongzhuang's lips twitched slightly, "The Lord of Thorns City will not let him go."

She and the city lord are only two-sided, but she knows something about this guy's character.

After causing such a big disaster, he would never let him off, but he was also very strong. Whether he could teach it, this is another question.

"Let's not delay time here, speed up and go to Lizhu City."

Although it wasn't too long for her to return from the main city of Lizhu, but it was several days.

The previous matter and Han Chenyang have been determined, but he is not worried about what will happen.

It's just that the guy Qingling is still there, and this guy will probably continue to think about making trouble, so he has to go back earlier.

"it is good."

Everyone understands the seriousness of the matter. This matter is entirely up to Baili Hongzhuang, and they will naturally not delay.

Before long, Baili Hongzhuang had arrived at the teleportation array.

When the man responsible for guarding the teleportation formation saw Baili Hongzhuang's appearance, his eyes suddenly filled with a deep color of surprise.

"My Envoy, are you planning to leave?"

Baili Hongzhuang pretended to be sullen, "Today's affairs have already reached such a level. I won't go. Am I still watching the show here?"

"Waste! All waste!"

Looking at Baili Hongzhuang's furious appearance, the man was also full of jealousy.

Although his task is just to guard the teleportation formation here, there is such a big disturbance in Thorns City today that it is difficult for him to even notice.

Originally a great opportunity to behave in front of the Envoy, I did not expect it to disappear like this, and once the Envoy returns to the report, I don’t know what the consequences will be...

Wen Ziran and others heard this person calling Baili Hongzhuang as the envoy, and their eyes were a little surprised.

It's really unexpected.

It's really not so good for Hong Zhuang to mix in the Demon Realm. The people in this Thorns City regard her as a messenger?

Ling Huyuan was even more shocked. What Baili Hongzhuang said before, what Teleportation Array and what State Lizhu City, actually she didn't know where it was, but what shocked her was that the people in Thorns City were so respectful to him. ?

What kind of position does it have to be in the Demon Realm to reach this level?

At this time, the city lord had also received the news and rushed over quickly.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang's sullen expression, his heart snorted.

In fact, he had anticipated such a situation long before he came, and he was furious even when he heard about it, let alone the messenger?

"My Envoy, this matter is my mistake, I promise..."

"No need to say more."

Baili Hongzhuang interrupted him directly, with disdain in his eyes.

"I have seen the strength of the city lord, and I have to say that the situation this time really opened my eyes."

The city lord looked ashamed. Such words made him unable to even lift his head. He wanted to explain, but in this case, the envoy had clearly seen clearly.

There is no objection to his explanation. Anyone who listens to it may find it a sophistry.

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