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She sat down with everyone and began to practice together.

The entire room area seemed extremely quiet, and everyone's attention was focused on the breakthrough.

Such a big movement also attracted Han Junxian's attention.

This situation suddenly happened inside Duanhun. The first thing he thought of was the elder breakthrough. At this time, in order to avoid being too weak when entering the Demon Realm, all the elders of Duanhun are in retreat.

The purpose is to be able to improve the strength when leaving the customs, and then to break the soul can also have more opportunities to resist.

It's just that such a big movement is really amazing, and the elders in my memory don't seem to reach this point at all.

After determining the direction of the source, he understood that this was Baili Hongzhuang!

"The blue girl that Chenyang found is really amazing!"

Han Junxian looked in amazement, they had a lot of elders with powerful soul breaking, but no one could create such an astonishing posture.

Even he was shocked by the energy at this moment.

"The kid Chenyang isn't here now?" Han Junxian frowned, "Such a great opportunity, even if you just stay nearby to practice, this strength will definitely be able to improve."

As the Young Master of Broken Soul, Chenyang's strength is still too weak and needs to be improved as soon as possible.

No one dared to go to such an opportunity, and Chenyang went there without any problem.

After all, Baili Hongzhuang itself cannot be affected.

"Go get the young master back."

Han Junxian recruited one person and sent out to find Han Chenyang.

Judging from this movement, the blue girl obviously intends to make a breakthrough. If he didn't guess wrong, Chenyang should have told the blue girl about the game.

It is precisely because of this that Miss Blue will choose to break through at this time to increase the probability of winning.

When Han Chenyang came back, his brows were furrowed and he was puzzled.

I don't understand why the old man is so anxious to find him back.

But I agreed to Miss Lan to investigate Qingling's situation, knowing that she knows her own and her enemies are alive and well. Why was she arrested just now when she left?

However, when he came back to see the situation, his expression suddenly became very interesting.

"I'll leave the investigation of Qingling to me, and I have sent someone to do it.

All you have to do now is to practice in retreat! "

Han Junxian looked at Han Chenyang with a calm expression, but his tone was extremely positive.

He didn't worry about Miss Blue's strength at all, but Chenyang wanted to follow Girl Blue, and it was obviously not enough without certain strength.

This time, they helped Miss Blue compete for a place. Naturally, Miss Blue will not forget this, but what about after this?

Sooner or later they will enter the Demon Realm, and they have no strength on their own. It is not enough to rely on this friendship.

Han Chenyang was also aware of this, but he didn't dare to get too close. He just wanted to find a place to absorb some of the spilled energy in the nearby guest room.

Never imagined that when he arrived, he suddenly saw Baili Yanche and others had formed a row, surrounding the door of Baili Hongzhuang's room, absorbing the energy spreading outside.


Looking at the way these people are familiar with the road, it’s not like doing this kind of thing for the first time...

Wen Ziran and others also noticed the appearance of Han Chenyang. Everyone just looked at me and I looked at you. Time seemed to stagnate for a moment.

Until Wen Ziran broke the deadlock.

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