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"Young Master Han, you are here!"

Han Chenyang smiled awkwardly, "Yes..."

I originally intended to take this opportunity to absorb some of the escaping energy. At this moment, I didn't expect to be caught directly. It is false to say that it is not embarrassing.

Wen Ziran and others were naturally aware of this, but some of them should be old fried dough sticks, Hongzhuang must have already sensed the situation outside of them.

Because the energy and attraction bursting inside are very amazing, so all the energies around are stirred, and they are continuously converging towards this place.

They just stay here to absorb some residual energy, which has no effect on the red makeup.

It is this point that they will do.

"Young Master Han, everyone is his own. This is a good opportunity to improve your strength. Let's go together." Wen Ziran smiled.

Han Chenyang looked at the crowd, nodded with a dull expression, "Then I'm welcome."

Since he appeared here, everyone already knew his purpose.

If you leave at this time and practice in another guest room, isn't it a lie?

Instead of this, it might as well be with everyone. Anyway, there are already so many people gathered, so he should be no different...

For a while, everyone stayed outside the house and began to practice.

The full energy poured into the limbs and a hundred skeletons, and they were even more amazed during this cultivation process.

The energy they absorb just by staying here is already so amazing, not to mention the Bailihong makeup of the energy center. How terrible is the energy that fills her around at this moment?

"The Ninth-Rank peak, terrifying!"

Baili Hongzhuang is naturally aware of the situation outside, but such an environment helps everyone to break through nature is excellent.

Han Chenyang is here, so there is no need to worry about any problems caused by such a movement.

In this retreat, the vitality in Baili Hongzhuang's body was not completely absorbed until the next night.

She slowly opened her eyes, feeling that she was a lot stronger than before, and her face was filled with satisfaction.

"Master, this fourth-grade demon realm is much better than the third-grade."

Xiao Hei showed excitement, and later after it was determined that there would be no problem, it followed to practice.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, its strength has also improved.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled faintly, "The energy of this fruit is very strong. Not only did I break through the fourth stage of the Demon Realm, I am now the fifth stage of the Demon Realm."

Hearing, Xiao Hei couldn't help but his eyes widened, his eyes filled with wonder.

"Fifth grade?"

"Not bad." Baili Hongzhuang said lightly, "This kind of cultivation base should not be difficult to compete for the spot."

The cultivators of the Demon Realm are powerful, and the energy of this heavenly material and earth treasure is also needless to say.

The energy contained in this fruit alone is much stronger than what she absorbs in her daily practice. It is undoubtedly very difficult to break through this realm here, but it is precisely because of the domineering energy of this fruit. It was able to directly break through!

"It is too difficult for the cultivators of the Demon Territory to break through to this level of cultivation, I think they should not be able to achieve it."

Xiao Hei smiled, "Even if there are such masters, this time they are competing for the top ten. If such a cultivation base can't even enter the top ten, then the powerhouse of the Demon Realm would be too terrifying."

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