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Song Qi really doesn't understand, this is obviously a mess!

If she can cultivate normally now, then this secret choice is indeed a good opportunity, maybe it will bring her and Xuanming closer.

But the current choice for her to enter the secret realm is of no use at all. By then, the strength of other people will be improved, but she has nothing to do with her, and then she will become a joke in everyone's eyes!

At best, everyone feels that she is too lazy and not self-motivated, but at such a good opportunity, her strength has not improved yet, maybe the host will feel that she is wasting this place.

Once that time is reached, things become complicated.

This selection of secret realm places, even the main family is very important, maybe will be blamed at that time.

If Xuanming can still resist the current pressure, when the time comes, I am afraid that even Xuanming will not be able to resist it.

Song Lao smiled suddenly, looked at Song Lao, and said, "At that time, it's time for everything to end."

What Fu Weixue said today was indeed awful, but she thought about it carefully and understood in her heart that Fu Weixue's words had a certain truth.

Not only could he not help Xuanming go further, he was also dragging him down.

I have been procrastinating for several years, and it is almost the same now.

No matter how she drags on, all this will eventually come to an end.

In that case, it might as well end it earlier, at least it will delay him less.

Feeling the despair in Song Lao's words, Song Qi couldn't say what Song Qi had originally wanted to say.

At this moment, he understood what kind of mentality Song Lao had in agreeing to this request.

When the time comes, everyone will spurn her, so when Xuanming chooses to abandon her at that time, no one will think that he is wrong.

She was sacrificing herself, and she didn't want Fu Xuanming to have any influence.

Although Baili Hongzhuang is not very clear about what is going on, but now listening to the conversation between the two, it is roughly clear.

Song Lao likes to show off so much, so long as he has a good life, it doesn't matter what he is doing.

This kind of like is really deep.

"The situation may not be as bad as you think. Maybe your poison has been solved before entering this secret choice?"

There is a firm color in Baili Hongzhuang's eyes. This poison must be solved, otherwise there will be no chance between the two.

Such a pair of lovers have to be separated just because of this kind of thing, and they really don't want to see it.

"I didn't expect to have such helplessness in the family."

Xiao Hei couldn't help sighing. When he first saw Fu Xuanming, he was so energetic.

As a girl who separated from the family, Song Lao was always liked by Fu Xuanming, which is not the envy of many girls.

Unexpectedly, how long had passed since then, all these problems were exposed.

Even if Fu Xuanming worked hard to get to this day, the gap was still unavoidable, and even his own marriage could not be the master, which was really sad.

"The bigger the family, the more restrictions they are actually subject to."

Baili Hongzhuang's heart is like a mirror, this situation is not unexpected at all.

The larger the family, the stronger the talent of the cultivator, the more attention he will receive, and the more restrictions will naturally increase.

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