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This is a double-edged sword, you get what you want, but you also lose something.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of herself.

If it is just the difference between the main family and the separation of families that has made Fu Xuanming and Song Lao look like this, then what about her?

Beichen is the Devil Emperor!

The most noble man in the entire Demon Realm, the **** in many people’s minds, and she... now this cultivation base is weaker than Song Lao. If I want to stay with Beichen, I don’t know if I will be from the Demon Palace. Resistance?

Because I haven't seen Beichen until now, I really don't know the situation.

Xiao Hei seemed to feel the change in Baili Hongzhuang's thoughts, even it couldn't help but think of it.

In fact, they have not encountered this situation. When the master went to Tiangangzong, she didn't know that she was the granddaughter of the master. At that time, the treatment in Tiangangzong was not very good.

Once this goes to the magic palace, maybe this situation will be worse?

Thinking of this, it suddenly felt that it would be good for the owner to go later.

In this way, at least a little more time can be used to improve the cultivation level, otherwise the situation at that time will really be difficult to deal with.

"Master, you don't have to worry too much. If the male owner is so powerful and protects you, can it still make you feel wronged?"

Xiao Hei smiled pretentiously. In fact, he felt that the host was so good to the host and would definitely not let other people hurt the host.

Baili Hongzhuang thought for a moment and said: "It should be."

She believed Beichen, and she believed him no matter what.

I believe that as long as he is there, all problems can be solved, as for the obstacles that may be encountered in the magic palace, she will not be too worried.

Anyway, what should come will always come. Her thoughts are different from those of Songluo, because they are in this place and she is different.

All she wanted was to be with Bei Chen, and everything beside her was not important.

If it were her, it would be a big deal not to stay at the Fu's house. If they leave the family, they can go wherever they want, without worrying about any problems.

"Yixuan, what are you thinking?"

Everyone noticed that Yi Xuan seemed to suddenly think of other things, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's nothing."

Baili Hongzhuang waved his hand, smiling again on his face.

"Let's go, shall we go back first?"

The three nodded, but there are still many people outside here watching the excitement.

They should wait until they go back to talk about this matter, it is not suitable to continue here, so as not to be seen as a joke.

The people outside who were waiting to see the excitement all saw Fu Weixue, and at this moment they saw Song Lao and others come out, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

However, Song Lao and others' faces were very calm, and from the surface, no problem could be seen.

"What did you say the master girl said?"

"I think Song Lao's expression seems quite normal. With her character, if she is really tit-for-tat, she should have just started arguing directly!"

"There is nothing happening here, is this situation different from what we thought?"

Everyone looked puzzled, but they thought they would definitely fight today, but they didn't expect this situation to be a little different from what they expected.

Song Lao's gaze swept across everyone, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

There are already so many people waiting to see the joke, let alone the owner.

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