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"No!" Song Lao shook his head repeatedly, "Don't give up, I won't give up!"

Seeing Song Lao raising his head desperately shook his head, and muttering about the appearance of killing him and not giving up, everyone couldn't help laughing.

With Fu Xuanming's words of this originally heavy atmosphere, all the weight and pressure have disappeared.

"If I knew you thought this way, I wouldn't have to worry so much."

Song Qi sighed, walked to the stone bench aside and sat down a little speechlessly.

Since this incident happened, his heart has been hanging and never let go, and now he can finally relax.

If I knew it was like this, what else should I worry about?

He also did not expect that there would be so many things after going to the main house. All the separated children thought that after going to the main house, their own strength could be improved and there would be better development.

Perhaps this kind of thing falls on other people, it is indeed very enjoyable, but this world is so unreasonable.

What you want may not be given to you, and what you don't want will fall on you.

"Then there is nothing wrong now, everyone can feel relieved."

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, Fu Xuanming's actions really made her feel happy, and she was really responsible.

Song Lao cried with joy, as if the burden that had been on her body for so many years had disappeared at this moment, and she was most worried about losing Fu Xuanming.

Every time she thought of this, she couldn't help herself in pain.

Now it is finally well, without this worry, everything seems to have become easier.

"I'll go to Fu Weixue and ask her not to give you this place?" Fu Xuanming said.

Since they may leave the Fu family later, it is best not to cause trouble in the Fu family before leaving.

Otherwise, there will be a debt to the family at that time, and once they leave, it may be unclear, which is not a good thing for them.

Song Lao's eyes were filled with thought, "I can do it."

As long as Fu Xuanming's heart is with her, other things are not important to him.

Not to mention the number of places selected for this secret realm, she doesn't want to stay in the Fu's house anymore, what is the next thing?

At this time, Song Qi said: "Anyway, we have already thought about the future. Why can't we go?"

"Songluo will actually go there when the time comes. There is not much gain. Once the master asks, it is that she is poisoned. She is not deliberately poisoning herself. What is there to be afraid of?"

Song Qi's face was calm, and now he had no good impression of the main house or Fu Weixue.

When the time comes to show that they leave the Fu family, he will naturally not stay there. Before leaving here, it is a point to get a little resource.

Shu Qi also nodded, "This is justified, maybe this opportunity is also good for Songluo."

Such an opportunity, it is a good thing that many people can't hope for. Since it has fallen on their heads, it is a shame to give up like this.

Fu Xuanming looked at the two, with thoughts in his eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, he also nodded and said, "Let's do this."

This matter was immediately settled, and Shu Qi couldn't help but say: "Maybe Yixuan can deal with Song Lao's poison before this secret choice, that would really be better."

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