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As Shu Qi's voice fell, Fu Xuanming's eyes were filled with astonishment, and said: "What does this mean?"

"Song Lao didn't know why she couldn't practice before, until after Yi Xuan helped her diagnose, she knew that there were still toxins in her body, which hindered her practice.

Now Yixuan is trying to help Songluo detoxify, but she doesn't know if she has a chance to succeed. "Song Qi said.

Once Baili Hongzhuang can successfully detoxify the loose ointment, then this matter is nothing short of a turnaround, and they don't need to make so many plans.

After all, leaving the family is the equivalent of losing asylum.

A few of them stayed outside, and both the danger and the room for improvement were much smaller than in the family.

The reason why Fu Xuanming has been practicing so hard that he is extremely outstanding in the master's house is actually to obtain more training resources and make his strength stronger.

In this way, even if you leave, you will be able to protect yourself.

To be honest, it's just to delay more time now. If you can improve more, you can improve more. When it doesn't work, you can leave directly.

"Yixuan, is there a solution to Songluo's poison?"

Fu Xuanming looked at Baili Hongzhuang nervously, but he didn't expect such a chance.

He has almost accepted the fact that Songluo's cultivation base will no longer improve in the future. Of course, he will also find ways to help Songluo detoxify, but now he did not expect Baili Hongzhuang to be good at detoxification. One hope!

Baili Hongzhuang saw that everyone's eyes fell on him, and couldn't help but say: "I still need some time, how long is this secret choice?"

"One month."

"One month, it should be fine."

The corners of Baili Hongzhuang's lips raised slightly, "From the current situation, I have a certain degree of confidence, but I can't be sure about everything, I will try my best."

Everyone was stunned to get this answer.

Song Lao looked at Baili Hongzhuang in amazement, and said in disbelief, "Yixuan, what are you saying is true?"

Yesterday Yixuan didn't say so much. They just tried it with a glimmer of hope. She didn't expect that she would directly say that it was feasible now. The gap was too big.

"After I came to the Demon Realm, you have always taken care of me like this. Now you have finally given me a chance to repay you, and I will naturally do my best."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled relaxedly, and Shu Qi, who knew her better, understood the problem almost instantly.

"Yixuan, have you already been determined?"

Based on his understanding of Yi Xuan, if she didn't have enough confidence, she would definitely not say such affirmative words.

She would say something like this, which means that there will be no problems with all this.

Baili Hongzhuang did not answer, but the curvature of the corners of her lips gradually rose.

Song Lao immediately understood everything, and she couldn't help but say: "If this poison can be solved, why didn't you just say it? You looked at us..."

Their feelings were so complicated before, so Yixuan knew that this poison could be solved a long time ago, wouldn't it be unnecessary for the things just now?

"If I had said it early, could you still treat each other like this?"

Baili Hongzhuang spread out his hands, a look that I already knew.

"I'm all for your good."

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